Crate safe_pqc_kyber

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A rust implementation of the Kyber algorithm

This library:

  • Is no_std compatible and uses no allocations, suitable for embedded devices.
  • The reference files contain no unsafe code.
  • Compiles to WASM using wasm-bindgen.


If no security level is set then kyber768 is used, this is roughly equivalent to AES-196. See below for setting other levels. A compile-time error is raised if more than one level is specified. Besides that all other features can be mixed as needed:

kyber512Enables kyber512 mode, with a security level roughly equivalent to AES-128.
kyber1024Enables kyber1024 mode, with a security level roughly equivalent to AES-256.
wasmFor compiling to WASM targets.
zeroizeThis will zero out the key exchange structs on drop using the zeroize crate
stdEnable the standard library


use safe_pqc_kyber::*;
Key Encapsulation
// Generate Keypair
let keys_bob = keypair(&mut rng);
// Alice encapsulates a shared secret using Bob's public key
let (ciphertext, shared_secret_alice) = encapsulate(&keys_bob.public, &mut rng)?;
// Bob decapsulates a shared secret using the ciphertext sent by Alice 
let shared_secret_bob = decapsulate(&ciphertext, &keys_bob.secret)?;
assert_eq!(shared_secret_alice, shared_secret_bob);

Higher level functions offering unilateral or mutual authentication

Unilaterally Authenticated Key Exchange
let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();
// Initialize the key exchange structs
let mut alice = Uake::new();
let mut bob = Uake::new();
// Generate Keypairs
let alice_keys = keypair(&mut rng);
let bob_keys = keypair(&mut rng);
// Alice initiates key exchange
let client_init = alice.client_init(&bob_keys.public, &mut rng);
// Bob authenticates and responds
let server_send = bob.server_receive(
  client_init, &bob_keys.secret, &mut rng
// Alice decapsulates the shared secret
// Both key exchange structs now have the shared secret
assert_eq!(alice.shared_secret, bob.shared_secret);
Mutually Authenticated Key Exchange

Follows the same workflow except Bob requires Alice’s public key

let mut alice = Ake::new();
let mut bob = Ake::new();
let alice_keys = keypair(&mut rng);
let bob_keys = keypair(&mut rng);
let client_init = alice.client_init(&bob_keys.public, &mut rng);
let server_send = bob.server_receive(
  client_init, &alice_keys.public, &bob_keys.secret, &mut rng
alice.client_confirm(server_send, &alice_keys.secret)?;
assert_eq!(alice.shared_secret, bob.shared_secret);


The KyberError enum handles errors. It has two variants:

  • InvalidInput - One or more byte inputs to a function are incorrectly sized. A likely cause of this is two parties using different security levels while trying to negotiate a key exchange.

  • Decapsulation - The ciphertext was unable to be authenticated. The shared secret was not decapsulated


  • Used for mutually authenticated key exchange between two parties.
  • A public/secret keypair for use with Kyber.
  • Used for unilaterally authenticated key exchange between two parties.




  • A marker trait used to indicate that an RngCore or BlockRngCore implementation is supposed to be cryptographically secure.
  • The core of a random number generator.


  • Decapsulates ciphertext with a secret key, the result will contain a KyberError if decapsulation fails
  • Deterministically derive a keypair from a seed as specified in draft-schwabe-cfrg-kyber.
  • Encapsulates a public key returning the ciphertext to send and the shared secret
  • Keypair generation with a provided RNG.
  • Extracts public key from private key.

Type Aliases

  • Bytes to send when initiating a mutual key exchange
  • Bytes to send when responding to a mutual key exchange
  • The result of decapsulating a ciphertext which produces a shared secret when confirmed
  • Result of encapsulating a public key which includes the ciphertext and shared secret
  • Kyber public key
  • Kyber secret key
  • Kyber Shared Secret
  • Bytes to send when initiating a unilateral key exchange
  • Bytes to send when responding to a unilateral key exchange