Expand description

Implementation of the “Node” node for the SAFE Network.


Node configuration

Bound name of elders and section_key, section_prefix info together.

Stream of routing node events

QuicP2p configurations

Interface for sending and receiving messages to and from other nodes, in the role of a full routing node.

A section prefix, i.e. a sequence of bits specifying the part of the network’s name space consisting of all names that start with this sequence.

The sending API for a QUIC stream.

A 256-bit number, viewed as a point in XOR space.


Internal error.

An Event raised by a Node or Client via its event sender.

Type of messages that are received from a peer

A flag in EldersChanged event, indicating whether the node got promoted, demoted or did not change.


Defines the higher bound of this range.

During the first section, nodes can start at a range of age to avoid too many nodes having the same time get relocated at the same time. Defines the lower bound of this range.

The minimum age a node becomes an adult node.

Constant byte length of XorName.


Writes connection info to file for use by clients (and joining nodes when local network).

Overwrites connection info at file.

Type Definitions

The type returned by the sn_routing message handling methods.