Expand description

Data messages that clients and nodes can send. Data messages and their possible responses.


Metadata (register and chunk holders) replication.

Data to be exchanged between Register stores.

Register data exchange.

A message indicating that an error occurred as a node was handling a client’s message.

A signed cmd to create a Register.

A Register write operation.

A Register write operation signed by the requester.

A signed cmd to create a Register.

The degree to which storage has been used. Expressed in values between 0-10, where each unit represents 10-percentage points.


An error response to a Cmd.

Data commands - creating, updating, or removing data.

Data queries - retrieving data and inspecting their structure.

Errors that can occur when interactive with client messaging APIs.

The response to a query, containing the query result. Response operation id should match query operation_id

A Register cmd that is stored in a log on Adults.

Register read operations.

Network service messages that clients or nodes send in order to use the services, communicate and carry out the tasks.

Error type for an attempted conversion from a QueryResponse variant to an expected wrapped value.


Return operation Id of a chunk

Type Definitions

Derivable Id of an operation. Query/Response should return the same id for simple tracking purposes. TODO: make uniquer per requester for some operations

A specialised Result type.