Expand description

S-Expressions Parser and Printer

Parser example

use s_expr::{Parser, Element, Span};

let mut parser = Parser::new("(let x 1)");
let r = parser.next().expect("parse data").expect("not end of stream");

let elements = r.inner.paren().expect("paren group");
assert_eq!(elements[0].inner.atom().and_then(|atom| atom.ident()), Some("let"));
assert_eq!(elements[0].span, Span::on_line(1, 1, 4));


A Bytes literal
Decimal Number (e.g. 1.3)
Integral Number
S-Expr Parser
A file position for human composed of the line (starting at 1), and column (starting a 0)
Simple printer
Span defined by 2 positions, defining a range between start and end
Tokenizer state on the data
Config for the tokenizer, for flags


Atom literal (Number, Bytes, String, or Ident)
Element of S-Expr
Type of group
Parser Error, which are either token error or some error related to group balancing like unterminated group, or mismatch of group

Type Definitions

Spanned Element
A Token with the span (start and end positions) associated