Module rv::dist[][src]

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Probability distributions

The distributions fall into three categories:

  1. Discrete distributions assign probability to countable values.
  2. Continuous distributions assign probability to uncountable values on a continuum.
  3. Prior distributions assign probability to other probability distributions.


Bernoulli distribution with success probability p

Beta distribution, Beta(α, β) over x in (0, 1).

Beta Binomial distribution over k in {0, …, n}

Binomial distribution with success probability p

Categorical distribution over unordered values in [0, k).

Cauchy distribution over x in (-∞, ∞).

Chinese Restaurant Process, a distribution over partitions.

Dirichlet distribution over points on the k-simplex.

Discrete uniform distribution, U(a, b) on the interval x in [a, b]

An empirical distribution derived from samples.

Exponential distribution, Exp(λ) over x in [0, ∞).

Gamma distribution G(α, β) over x in (0, ∞).

Gaussian / Normal distribution, N(μ, σ) over real values.

Geometric distribution over x in {0, 1, 2, 3, … }.

Generalized Extreme Value Distribution Gev(μ, σ, ξ) where the parameters are μ is location σ is the scale ξ is the shape

Inverse gamma distribution IG(α, β) over x in (0, ∞).

Inverse Gaussian distribution, N-1(μ, λ) over real values.

Kolmogorov-Smirnov distribution where the number of samples, $N$, is assumed to be large This is the distribution of $\sqrt{N} D_n$ where $D_n = \sup_x |F_n(x) - F(x)|$ where $F$ is the true CDF and $F_n$ the emperical CDF.

Kumaraswamy distribution, Kumaraswamy(α, β) over x in (0, 1).

Laplace, or double exponential, distribution over x in (-∞, ∞).

LogNormal Distribution If x ~ Normal(μ, σ), then e^x ~ LogNormal(μ, σ).

Mixture distribution Σ wi f(x|θi)

Negative Binomial distribution NBin(r, p).

Prior for Gaussian

Prior for Gaussian

Prior for Gaussian

Pareto distribution Pareto(x_m, α) over x in (x_m, ∞).

Possion distribution over x in {0, 1, … }.

Scaled Χ-2 distribution Scaled-Χ-2(v, τ2).

Skellam distribution over x in {.., -2, -1, 0, 1, … }.

Student’s T distribution over x in (-∞, ∞).

Symmetric Dirichlet distribution where all alphas are the same.

Continuous uniform distribution, U(a, b) on the interval x in [a, b]

VonMises distirbution on the circular interval (0, 2π]
