Attribute Macro ruukh_codegen::component

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#[component] macro to derive Component trait as well as to do modifications to the struct. It does all the heavy lifting which the user would have to do, to make the component work.


struct MyButton {
    disabled: bool,

You may declare events available on the component by placing #[events] attribute. Like:


    fn event_name(&self, arg: type) -> return_type;  
struct MyButton {
    disabled: bool,

You may place multiple event declarations. Also, these event declarations require that the event handlers be passed compulsorily.

#[component] also allows to annotate the struct fields with additional attributes. Such as:

  1. #[prop] attribute: This attribute defines that a field is a prop field, though this attribute is optional. This attribute allows passing a default value for the prop field. Like #[prop(default)] which delegates it to the types Default implementation or #[prop(default = val)] which uses the val as its default value. Any fields which has a given default value or any Option type is optional while passing props.

  2. #[state] attribute: This attributes is required to define a field as a state field. If a #[state] or #[state(default)] is specified then the Default value of the field is used. If you want to provide a more specific value, then pass it by using #[state(default = val)] attribute.