Crate rustyroad

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§Rusty Road

Rusty Road is a framework written in Rust that is based on Ruby on Rails. It is designed to provide the familiar conventions and ease of use of Ruby on Rails, while also taking advantage of the performance and efficiency of Rust. Below you will find a struct that represents a project. It is used to create a new project.


Rusty Road is a CLI tool that is used to create and manage your rust web apps. You can use this package as a part of your project and this documentation will help you understand how to use it, however, it is not intended to be used as a standalone package.


use rustyroad::Project;

fn main() {
   Project::initial_prompt().expect("Failed to create project");

§Code Explanation

The code above is the main function for the RustyRoad project. It is the entry point for the program. The project is created by calling the initial_prompt function on the Project struct. The initial prompt function will ask the user a series of questions and then create a new project based on the answers. From there, the user can use the project to create a new web app. Notice that other functions are called on the Project struct. These functions are used to create a new web app. These are the functions that ship with the cli tool and are not publicly available.


