Module rusty_engine::game[][src]



A Game represents the entire game and its data. By default the game will spawn an empty window, and exit upon Esc or closing of the window. Under the hood, Rusty Engine syncs the game data to Bevy to power most of the underlying functionality.


The size limits on a window. These values are measured in logical pixels, so the user’s scale factor does affect the size limits on the window. Please note that if the window is resizable, then when the window is maximized it may have a size outside of these limits. The functionality required to disable maximizing is not yet exposed by winit.



Defines the way a window is displayed The use_size option that is used in the Fullscreen variant defines whether a videomode is chosen that best fits the width and height in the Window structure, or if these are ignored. E.g. when use_size is set to false the best video mode possible is chosen.

Type Definitions
