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Blocking wrappers for using rustube in a synchronous context.

Downloading videos with the blocking API works exactly like described for the asynchronous API in the crate documentation, and in the Video documentation, except for the last step:

let url = Url::parse("https://youtube.com/watch?iv=5jlI4uzZGjU")?;
let path_to_video = Video::from_url(&url)?

As you can see, there’s no corresponding synchronous version of Stream, but only a few methods prefixed with blocking_. This is not the most beautiful solution and may change in the future.

Another option is using the block macro:

let url = Url::parse("https://youtube.com/watch?iv=5jlI4uzZGjU")?;
let video = Video::from_url(&url)?;
let best_quality = video.best_quality().unwrap();
let path_to_video = block!(best_quality.download());

This macro will utilize the Runtime created for you by rustube, and block on the provided future (You can also use it for other asynchronous stuff, not related to rustube).


A synchronous wrapper around Video.
A synchronous wrapper around VideoDescrambler.
A synchronous wrapper around VideoFetcher.


A Runtime for executing asynchronous code.


A synchronous wrapper around download_best_quality.
A synchronous wrapper around download_worst_quality.