Module rusttesserast::tess_lib

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Simple library providing asynchronous methods for tesseract api.

Main function recognize_doc allows to recognize images and save data to a file. This function takes four parameters:

  1. save_path: Option<&str> - path for saving a doc. If path is None, then file will be saved to a project dir.
  2. doc_name: Option<&str> - name of a doc where recognized information will be saved. Default value - data.txt
  3. image_array: Vec<&str> - vector which contains a paths to available images.
  4. output_type: &str - a str which contains output type value. So far, only 4 types available (txt, tsv, hocr)


use rusttesserast::tess_lib::TesseractApi;

async fn main() {
    let mut tesseract_base = TesseractApi::new(Some(TesseractApi{dpi: 3, psm:3, ..Default::default()}), Some(String::from("/usr/local/share/tessdata").as_str()), Some(String::from("eng").as_str())).unwrap();
    let image_array = vec!["/workspaces/rusttesserast/tests/test_img.png", "/workspaces/rusttesserast/tests/test_img.png"];
    let test = tesseract_base.recognize_doc(None, None, image_array, "txt").await;
use rusttesserast::tess_lib::TesseractApi;

async fn main() {
    let mut tesseract_base = TesseractApi::new(Some(TesseractApi{dpi: 3, psm:3, ..Default::default()}), Some(String::from("/usr/local/share/tessdata").as_str()), Some(String::from("eng").as_str())).unwrap();
    let image_array = vec!["/workspaces/rusttesserast/tests/test_img.png", "/workspaces/rusttesserast/tests/test_img.png"];
    let test = tesseract_base.recognize_doc("test/save/path", "test_data_file.txt", image_array, "tsv").await;


  • TesseractApi is a base pub structure for entire project.