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Bundle the source code of a rust cargo crate in a single source file.

Very useful for sending the source code to a competitive programming site that accept only a single file (codingame, I’m looking at you) and still keeping the cargo structure locally.


Add the following snippet to your Cargo.toml:

build = "build.rs"

rustsourcebundler = { git = "https://github.com/lpenz/rust-sourcebundler" }

And create the file build.rs with the following:

//! Bundle mybin.rs and the crate libraries into singlefile.rs

use std::path::Path;
extern crate rustsourcebundler;
use rustsourcebundler::Bundler;

fn main() {
    let mut bundler: Bundler = Bundler::new(Path::new("src/bin/mybin.rs"),
    bundler.crate_name("<crate name>");

You can use the code inside the example directory of this repository as a starting point.

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pub use bundler::*;
