Module rustracing_jaeger::span[][src]

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How to inject/extract a span

You can inject/extract the context of a span by using SpanContext::inject_to_xxx and SpanContext::extract_from_xxx methods respectively.

The simplest way is to use HashMap as the carrier as follows:

use std::collections::HashMap;
use rustracing_jaeger::span::SpanContext;

// Extraction
let mut carrier = HashMap::new();
    "uber-trace-id".to_string(),  // NOTE: The key must be lower-case
let context = SpanContext::extract_from_text_map(&carrier)?.unwrap();
let trace_id = context.state().trace_id();
assert_eq!(trace_id.to_string(), "6309ab92c95468edea0dc1a9772ae2dc");

// Injection
let mut injected_carrier = HashMap::new();
context.inject_to_text_map(&mut injected_carrier)?;
assert_eq!(injected_carrier, carrier);



Jaeger specific span context state.

SpanContextState builder.

Unique 128bit identifier of a trace.

Type Definitions

Candidate span for tracing.

Finished span.


Span context.

Span handle.

Span receiver.

Span reference.

Sender of finished spans to the destination channel.

Options for starting a span.