[][src]Module rustofi::window

raw representation of a rofi command, use this to create new components, or your own from-scratch apps A Window is the closest to an actual binding of a rofi command as is feasible. The types and functions here allow you to construct a rofi of any size or type anywhere on the screen with ease and even allows the construction of rofi's beyond that with the additional_args field.


// examples/simple_window.rs
use rustofi::window::*;

fn fizzbuzz() -> Vec<String> {
    let mut results = Vec::new();
    // print fizzbuzz as a rofi!
    for x in 1..25 {
        // divisible by 3 or by 5
        match (x % 3 == 0, x % 5 == 0) {
            (false, false) => results.push(x.to_string()), // neither
            (false, true) => results.push("Fizz".to_string()), // divisible by 5
            (true, false) => results.push("Buzz".to_string()), // divisible by 3
            (true, true) => results.push("FizzBuzz".to_string()), // divisible by both

fn main() {
    // create a window with 8 lines and a vector of strings and show it
    Window::new("FizzBuzz in Rofi!").lines(8).show(fizzbuzz());



represents the "dimensions" of the rofi window


represents the padding given to the rofi window on the X and Y axis


represents the raw 'window' that rofi shows the Window can be customized to change the appearance of the shown window note that some fields will be overwritten by types in components.rs and lib.rs



Each variant positions the rofi window at the described position on screen


type of entry that rofi will return, typically we want the raw string using StringReturn