Derive Macro rustler::NifUnitEnum

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    // Attributes available to this derive:
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Derives implementations for the Encoder and Decoder traits which convert between an enum and a union of elixir atoms.

For example:

enum UnitEnum {

Then the traits Encoder and Decoder are derived automatically for your Rust struct such that FooBar is encoded to, and decoded from, :foo_bar.

  • The variant name is translated from camel case to snake case for the atom name.
  • Each constructor is required not to have arguments, i.e. to be of unit type.

An example usage in Rust and Elixir would look like the following.

pub fn unit_enum_echo(unit_enum: UnitEnum) -> UnitEnum {

(We are leaving out some boiler plate code to connect the rust code to elixir functions.)

test "unit enum transcoder" do
  assert :foo_bar == unit_enum_echo(:foo_bar)
  assert :baz == unit_enum_echo(:baz)
  assert :invalid_variant == unit_enum_echo(:somethingelse)

Note that the :invalid_variant atom is returned if the user tries to encode something that isn’t in the Rust enum.