Module rustfst::fst_properties

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Provides the FstProperties struct and some utils functions around it. Useful to assert some properties on a Fst.


Functions for getting property bit vectors when executing mutation operations.


The property bits here assert facts about an FST. If individual bits are added, then the composite fst_properties below, the property functions and property names in, and TestProperties() in test-fst_properties.h should be updated. For each of these fst_properties below there is a pair of property bits, one positive and one negative. If the positive bit is set, the property is true. If the negative bit is set, the property is false. If neither is set, the property has unknown value. Both should never be simultaneously set. The individual positive and negative bit pairs should be adjacent with the positive bit at an odd and lower position.


Tests compatibility between two sets of properties.
Computes all the FstProperties of the FST bit don’t attach them to the FST.
Both bits are set iff one bit is set.