Module rustdds::ros2

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ROS2 interface using DDS module - DO NOT USE - Use ros2-client instead.


use rustdds::dds::DomainParticipant;
use rustdds::dds::data_types::TopicKind;
use rustdds::dds::traits::RTPSEntity;
use rustdds::ros2::RosParticipant;
use rustdds::ros2::NodeOptions;
use rustdds::ros2::RosNode;
use rustdds::ros2::builtin_datatypes::NodeInfo;
use rustdds::dds::qos::QosPolicies;
use rustdds::serialization::CDRSerializerAdapter;

// RosParticipant is needed for defined RosNodes to be visible in ROS2 network.
let mut ros_participant = RosParticipant::new().unwrap();

// declaring ros node
let mut ros_node = ros_participant.new_ros_node(
  NodeOptions::new(false), // enable rosout?

// Creating some topic for RosNode
let some_topic = ros_node.create_ros_topic(

// declaring some writer that use non keyed types
let some_writer = ros_node
  .create_ros_nokey_publisher::<NodeInfo, CDRSerializerAdapter<_>>(
    &some_topic, None)

// Readers and RosParticipant implement mio Evented trait and thus function the same way as
// std::sync::mpcs and can be handled the same way for reading the data



Type Definitions