Expand description

CA library

This library gathers several tools to simulate and work with 2D CA grids.

For example to simulate a randomly initialized 2-states CA of size 512 with neighborhood size 1 for 10 steps:

use rust_ca::rule::Rule;
use rust_ca::automaton::{AutomatonImpl, Automaton};

// We build a random CA rule with 2 states and neighborhood size 1.
let rule = Rule::random(1, 2);
let mut automaton = Automaton::new(2, 128, rule);
// Simulate the CA for 32 steps.

We now write 10 steps of the CA to a GIF animation.

use rust_ca::output;

output::write_to_gif_file(Some("test.gif"), &mut automaton, 1, 10, 1, 1, 0);

The scale parameters make the GIF larger by duplicating every pixel, and the skip argument will only write a step every skip steps.

output::write_to_gif_file(Some("test_bis.gif"), &mut automaton, 4, 100, 10, 1, 0);


The cellular automata related utilities.

The output utilities. Use to save the CA state to an output GIF.

Functions and struct to create and manipulate CA rules.