[][src]Module pushrod::core

Main module containing the run loop for the UI components, containers for windows and Widget trait objects, and so on. Contains the core elements required to build a UI.



This is a per-widget event store that is used to call an event handler when an event is triggered.


This provides a 3D drawing texture that is offloaded onto the GPU for graphics processing. It is used internally by the drawing loop.


Main module for Pushrod, contains the run loop code responsible for translating OS-level events to well known structures, maintaining a list of active windows and their widgets, and propagating events where appropriate.


Contains geometric shape representations: Point and Size, representing a point on the screen within a window, and the size of an object. (This may change to Piston's representations.)


This is a cache that is used to store Widget objects for a Pushrod run loop. Each Pushrod object that is created contains its own set of Widget objects, stored here.