Crate rust_music_theory

Expand description

Rust Music Theory is a library that provides programmatic implementation of the basis of music theory.


Rust Music Theory is used to procedurally utilize music theory notions like Note, Chord, Scale, Interval, Key and more. All these theoretical concepts of sound and music are implemented as Separate modules in the library. They sometimes can be used individually, and sometimes need to be used together to correctly reflect the music theory to the code.

§Quick Example

The following examples are the simplest usage of the library. Please see the tests folder for detailed examples of the modules.

extern crate rust_music_theory as rustmt;
use rustmt::note::{Note, Notes, PitchClass};
use rustmt::scale::{Direction, Scale, ScaleType, Mode};
use rustmt::chord::{Chord, Number as ChordNumber, Quality as ChordQuality};

// to create a Note, specify a pitch class and an octave;
let note = Note::new(PitchClass::As, 4);
// Note { pitch_class: A, octave: 4 }

// Scale Example;
let scale = Scale::new(
    ScaleType::Diatonic,    // scale type
    PitchClass::C,          // tonic
    4,                      // octave
    Some(Mode::Ionian),     // scale mode
    Direction::Ascending,   // direction

// returns a Vector of the Notes of the scale
let scale_notes = scale.notes();

// Chord Example;
let chord = Chord::new(PitchClass::C, ChordQuality::Major, ChordNumber::Triad);

// returns a Vector of the Notes of the chord
let chord_notes = chord.notes();
