Module rust_macios::foundation

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Access essential data types, collections, and operating-system services to define the base layer of functionality for your app.


pub use ns_array::NSArray;


Macros for working with the Foundation framework.
A type that represents a pointer to an Objective-C object.
The keys used to access components of a locale.
Enums for String Encoding


A string with associated attributes (such as visual style, hyperlinks, or accessibility data) for portions of its text.
An object that supports Cocoa’s reference-counted memory management system.
A representation of the code and resources stored in a bundle directory on disk.
A character set containing the characters in Unicode General Categories L*, M*, and N*.
An abstract class that serves as the basis for objects that enable archiving and distribution of other objects.
A static byte buffer in memory.
A representation of a specific point in time, independent of any calendar or time zone.
An object that specifies a date or time in terms of units (such as year, month, day, hour, and minute) to be evaluated in a calendar system and time zone.
An object for representing and performing arithmetic on base-10 numbers.
A class that adopts the decimal number behaviors protocol.
A static collection of objects associated with unique keys.
A description of the distance between the edges of two rectangles.
An abstract class whose subclasses enumerate collections of objects, such as arrays and dictionaries.
Information about an error condition including a domain, a domain-specific error code, and application-specific information.
An abstract class that declares an interface for objects that create, interpret, and validate the textual representation of values.
An immutable collection of unique integer values that represent indexes in another collection.
The NSLocale class provides information about the user’s locale and formatting preferences.
A dynamic ordered collection of objects.
A dynamic collection of objects associated with unique keys.
A mutable string.
A container for information broadcast through a notification center to all registered observers.
Returns the singleton instance of NSNull.
An object wrapper for primitive scalar numeric values.
A formatter that converts between numeric values and their textual representations.
A structure that contains version information about the currently executing operating system, including major, minor, and patch version numbers.
A description of the linguistic content of natural language text, typically used for spelling and grammar checking.
A definition of logical conditions for constraining a search for a fetch or for in-memory filtering.
A collection of information about the current process.
A structure used to describe a portion of a series, such as characters in a string or objects in an array.
A static, unordered collection of unique objects.
A server that your app uses to provide a spell checker service to other apps running in the system.
This is a mapping to the Objective-C NSString class.
An object that represents the location of a resource, such as an item on a remote server or the path to a local file.
A universally unique value that can be used to identify types, interfaces, and other items.


The directions that a language may take across a page of text.
Option flags used with begin_activity_with_options_reason and perform_activity_with_options_reason_using_block.
Calculation error constants used to describe an error in exceptionDuringOperation:error:leftOperand:rightOperand:.
Constants that indicate sort order.
Options to modify the decoding algorithm used to decode Base64 encoded data.
Options for methods used to Base64 encode data.
An algorithm that indicates how to compress or decompress data.
Options for methods used to read data objects.
Options for method used to search data objects.
Options for methods used to write data objects.
Constants that specify the behavior NSDateFormatter should exhibit.
The formatting context for a formatter.
Specifies the width of the unit, determining the textual representation.
These constants specify options for a network service.
These constants are used to specify how numbers should be padded. These constants are used by the paddingPosition property.
These constants are used to specify how numbers should be rounded. These constants are used by the roundingMode property.
Values used to indicate the system’s thermal state.
These constants are used to specify a property list serialization format.
These constants specify mutability options in property lists.
These constants specify rounding behaviors.
The type declared for the constants listed in Stream Status Constants.
These values represent the options available to many of the string classes’ search and comparison methods.
The constants used to specify interaction with the cached responses.


Size of UTF8 encoding


A constant containing the transformation of a string from full-width CJK characters to half-width forms.
A constant containing the transliteration of a string from Hiragana script to Katakana script.
A constant containing the transliteration of a string from Latin script to Cyrillic script.
A constant containing the transliteration of a string from Latin script to Greek script.
A constant containing the transliteration of a string from Latin script to Hangul script.
A constant containing the transliteration of a string from Latin script to Hebrew script.
A constant containing the transliteration of a string from Latin script to Hiragana script.
A constant containing the transliteration of a string from Latin script to Katakana script.
A constant containing the transliteration of a string from Latin script to Thai script.
A constant containing the transliteration of a string from Han script to Latin.
A notification that indicates that the user’s locale changed.
A zero initialized NSEdgeInsets.
The value for the NSGrammarCorrections key should be an NSArray of NSStrings representing potential substitutions to correct the problem, but it is expected that this may not be available in all cases. NSGrammarUserDescription or NSGrammarCorrections must be supplied in order for correction guidance to be presented to the user.
The value for the NSGrammarRange dictionary key should be an NSValue containing an NSRange, a subrange of the sentence range used as the return value, whose location should be an offset from the beginning of the sentence–so, for example, an NSGrammarRange for the first four characters of the overall sentence range should be {0, 4}. If the NSGrammarRange key is not present in the dictionary it is assumed to be equal to the overall sentence range.
The value for the NSGrammarUserDescription dictionary key should be an NSString containing descriptive text about that range, to be presented directly to the user; it is intended that the user description should provide enough information to allow the user to correct the problem. It is recommended that NSGrammarUserDescription be supplied in all cases, however, NSGrammarUserDescription or NSGrammarCorrections must be supplied in order for correction guidance to be presented to the user.
Posts when the power state of a device changes.
Posts when the thermal state of the system changes.
A constant containing the transformation of a string by removing combining marks.
A constant containing the transformation of a string by removing diacritics.
A constant containing the transliteration of a string from any script to Latin script.
An identifier for a transform that converts characters to Unicode names.
A constant containing the transformation of a string from characters to XML hexadecimal escape codes.


A trait containing all the methods for NSAttributedString
A trait containing all the methods for NSAutoreleasePool
A trait containing all the methods for NSBundle
A trait containing all the methods for NSCharacterSet
A trait containing all the methods for NSCoder
A trait containing all the methods for NSData
A trait containing all the methods for NSDate
A trait containing all the methods for NSDecimalNumber
A trait containing all the methods for NSDecimalNumberHandler
A static collection of objects associated with unique keys.
An abstract class whose subclasses enumerate collections of objects, such as arrays and dictionaries.
A trait containing all the methods for NSError
A trait containing all the methods for NSFileWrapper
A trait containing all the methods for NSFormatter
A trait containing all the methods for NSIndexSet
A trait containing all the methods for NSLocale
A dynamic collection of objects associated with unique keys.
A trait containing all the methods for NSMutableString
A trait containing all the methods for NSNotification
A trait containing all the methods for NSNull
A trait containing all the methods for NSNumber
A trait containing all the methods for NSNumberFormatter
A trait containing all the methods for NSOrthography
A trait containing all the methods for NSProcessInfo
A trait containing all the methods for NSSpellServer
A trait containing all the methods for NSString
A trait containing all the methods for NSURL
A trait containing all the methods for NSUUID
The optional methods implemented by the delegate of a spell server.


Adds two decimal values.
Compacts the decimal structure for efficiency.
Compares two decimal values.
Creating a Decimal from Another Decimal
Multiplies two decimal numbers together.
Subtracts one decimal value from another.
Raises the decimal value to the specified power.
Normalizes the internal format of two decimal numbers to simplify later operations.
Multiplies a decimal by the specified power of 10.
Rounds off the decimal value.
Returns a string representation of the decimal value appropriate for the specified locale.
Subtracts one decimal value from another.
Checks if the receiver is equal to the given edge insets.
Returns a new edge insets with the given top, left, bottom, and right values.
Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether two given ranges are equal.
Returns the intersection of the specified ranges.
Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether a specified position is in a given range.
Respond to problem situations in your interactions with APIs, and fine-tune your app for better debugging.
Creates a new NSRange from the specified values.
Returns the sum of the location and length of the range.
Returns a range from a textual representation.
Returns a string representation of a range.
Returns the union of the specified ranges.

Type Definitions

A double-precision, floating-point value type.
Describes an integer.
Describes an 8-bit signed integer.
Describes a 16-bit signed integer.
Describes a 32-bit signed integer.
Describes a 64-bit signed integer.
Attributes that apply to a document.
Options for importing documents.
Attributes that you can apply to text in an attributed string.
Defines the signature for a block object used for comparison operations.
Type alias for NSDecimalNumber.
These keys may exist in the user info dictionary.
The keys used to access components of a locale.
A structure that defines the name of a notification.
A point in a Cartesian coordinate system.
The only read options supported are described in NSPropertyListMutabilityOptions.
These constants specify mutability options in property lists.
Type indicating a parameter is a pointer to an NSRange structure.
A rectangle.
A two-dimensional size.
Constants representing an ICU string transform.
A number of seconds.
Describes an unsigned integer.
Describes an 8-bit unsigned integer.
Describes a 16-bit unsigned integer.
Describes a 32-bit unsigned integer.
Describes a 64-bit unsigned integer.
Type for UTF-16 code units.