Module rust_macios::appkit

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Construct and manage a graphical, event-driven user interface for your macOS app.


The action handler
A handler that contains the class for callback storage and invocation on
An object that manages an app’s main event loop and resources used by all of that app’s objects.
A control that defines an area on the screen that a user clicks to trigger an action.
An object that stores color data and sometimes opacity (alpha value).
An object that represents a custom color space.
A specialized view, such as a button or text field, that notifies your app of relevant events using the target-action design pattern.
The visual representation of your app’s miniaturized windows and app icon as they appear in the Dock.
A high-level interface for manipulating image data.
A factory class for creating layout constraint objects using a fluent API.
The relationship between two user interface objects that must be satisfied by the constraint-based layout system.
A factory class for creating horizontal layout constraint objects using a fluent API.
A factory class for creating vertical layout constraint objects using a fluent API.
An object that manages an app’s menus.
A command item in an app menu.
An object that manages an app’s menus.
An object that transfers data to and from the pasteboard server.
A means to display additional content related to existing content on the screen.
An abstract class that forms the basis of event and command processing in AppKit.
An object that can manipulate and provide information for a single instance of an app.
An object that describes the attributes of a computer’s monitor or screen.
An individual element displayed in the system menu bar.
The appearance and behavior of an item in the systemwide menu bar.
An individual element displayed in the system menu bar.
An encapsulation of the design-time view controller and window controller graph represented in an Interface Builder storyboard resource file.
Text the user can select or edit to send an action message to a target when the user presses the Return key.
An object that manages the space above your app’s custom content and either below or integrated with the window’s title bar.
The infrastructure for drawing, printing, and handling events in an app.
A controller that manages a view, typically loaded from a nib file.
A Window represents your way of interacting with an NSWindow. It wraps the various moving pieces to enable you to focus on reacting to lifecycle methods and doing your thing.
A config for a window.


The following flags are for activateWithOptions
Activation policies (used by activationPolicy) that control whether and how an app may be activated.
Constants that indicate whether a copy or print operation was successful, was canceled, or failed.
Constants that determine whether an app should terminate.
Constants that specify how the window device buffers the drawing done in a window.
Constants that you use to filter out specific event types from the stream of incoming events.
Constants for the types of events that responder objects can handle.
Options for preparing the pasteboard.
Options that specify how to interpret data on the pasteboard when initializing pasteboard data.
The appearance and disappearance behavior of a popover.
A set of optional status item behaviors.
Styles that determine the type of separator displayed between the title bar and content of a window.
Specifies the directional flow of the user interface.
Constants that provide a way to access standard title bar buttons.
Window collection behaviors related to Exposé and Spaces.
A type that represents the depth, or amount of memory, for a single pixel in a window or screen.
Options to use when retrieving window numbers from the system.
Specifies whether the window is occluded.
Constants that let you specify how a window is ordered relative to another window.
Constants that represent the access levels other processes can have to a window’s content.
Constants that specify the style of a window, and that you can combine with the C bitwise OR operator.
Specifies the appearance of the window’s title bar area.
Styles that determine the appearance and location of the toolbar in relation to the title bar.


The pointer for ActionHandler
The corresponding value is an NSNumber object containing an integer that gives the bit depth of the window’s raster image (2-bit, 8-bit, and so forth).
The corresponding value is an NSString object giving the name of the window’s color space.
If there is a corresponding value, this indicates that the display device is a printer.
If there is a corresponding value, this indicates that the display device is a screen.
The corresponding value is an NSValue object containing a value of type NSSize that describes the window’s raster resolution in dots per inch (dpi).
The corresponding value is an NSValue object containing a value of type NSSize that gives the size of the window’s frame rectangle.
The level for the dock.
A representation of a file’s contents.
A Boolean value indicating whether the search is case-insensitive.
Type for the find panel metadata property list.
A number object containing the match type to use in the find panel.
Useful for floating palettes.
Reserved for the application’s main menu.
The level for a modal panel.
The pasteboard you use to perform ordinary cut, copy, and paste operations.
The external object that is responsible for the instantiated nib.
An NSMutableArray object that, if present, is populated with the top-level objects of the newly instantiated nib.
The default level for NSWindow objects.
The pasteboard that stores data to move as the result of a drag operation.
The pasteboard that holds information about the current state of the active application’s find panel.
The pasteboard that holds font and character information and supports Copy Font and Paste Font commands that the text editor may implement.
The pasteboard that holds information about paragraph formats and supports the Copy Ruler and Paste Ruler commands that the text editor may implement.
Font and character information.
Type for HTML content.
PNG image data.
Rich Text Format (RTF) data.
RTFD formatted file contents.
Paragraph formatting information.
Tag Image File Format (TIFF) data.
Tab-separated fields of text.
Type for the Find panel metadata property list.
URL data for one file or resource.
Option for reading URLs to restrict the results to URLs with contents that conform to any of the provided UTI types.
The level for a pop-up menu.
Specifies that the popover has been closed because it is being detached to a window.
The userInfo key containing the reason for the NSPopoverWillCloseNotification.
Specifies that the popover has been closed in a standard way.
Sent after the popover has finished animating offscreen.
Sent after the popover has finished animating onscreen.
Sent before the popover is closed.
This is an action handler for NSStatusBarButton
The level for a screen saver.
The level for a status window.
Reserved for submenus. Synonymous with NSTornOffMenuWindowLevel, which is preferred.
A Boolean value indicating whether the search is case insensitive.
A number object containing the match type to use.
The level for a torn-off menu. Synonymous with NSSubmenuWindowLevel.


An object that manages an app’s main event loop and resources used by all of that app’s objects.
A trait containing all the methods for NSButton
A trait containing all the methods for NSControl
A trait containing all the methods for NSImage
A trait containing all the methods for NSLayoutAnchor
A trait containing all the methods for NSLayoutConstraint
A trait containing all the methods for NSLayoutXAxisAnchor
A trait containing all the methods for NSLayoutYAxisAnchor
A trait containing all the methods for NSMenu
A trait containing all the methods for NSMenuItem
A trait containing all the methods for NSNib
A trait containing all the methods for NSPasteboard
A trait containing all the methods for NSPasteboardItem
A trait containing all the methods for NSPopover
A trait containing all the methods for NSResponder
A trait containing all the methods for NSRunningApplication
A trait containing all the methods for NSScreen
A trait containing all the methods for NSStatusBar
A trait containing all the methods for NSStatusBarButton
A trait containing all the methods for NSStatusItem
An encapsulation of the design-time view controller and window controller graph represented in an Interface Builder storyboard resource file.
A trait containing all the methods for NSTextField
A trait containing all the methods for NSView
A trait containing all the methods for NSViewController
A window that an app displays on the screen.
A set of methods that manage your app’s life cycle and its interaction with common system services.


Called by the main function to create and run the application.
Returns the bits per pixel for the specified window depth.
Returns the bits per sample for the specified window depth.
Returns the name of the color space corresponding to the passed window depth.
Returns the number of color components in the specified color space.
Returns whether the specified window depth is planar.
Registers an NSObject application delegate, and configures it for the various callbacks and pointers we need to have.

Type Definitions

Constants that specify color space names.
These constants are the keys for device description dictionaries.
Named images, defined by the system or you, for use in your app.
A set of button return values for modal dialogs.
Constants that represent the standard pasteboard names.
Options for reading pasteboard data.
Search options for the find panel.
Search options for text in Finder.
Values that specify the reason for the NSPopoverWillCloseNotification notification.
The name of the storyboard file.
The type of a window’s frame autosave name.
The standard window levels in macOS.
The type of a window’s frame descriptor.

Attribute Macros