Function rust_htslib::htslib::hts_md5_init [] [src]

pub unsafe extern "C" fn hts_md5_init() -> *mut hts_md5_context

@abstract Intialises an MD5 context. @discussion The expected use is to allocate an hts_md5_context using hts_md5_init(). This pointer is then passed into one or more calls of hts_md5_update() to compute successive internal portions of the MD5 sum, which can then be externalised as a full 16-byte MD5sum calculation by calling hts_md5_final(). This can then be turned into ASCII via hts_md5_hex().

To dealloate any resources created by hts_md5_init() call the hts_md5_destroy() function.

@return hts_md5_context pointer on success, NULL otherwise.