Function rust_htslib::htslib::hts_log [] [src]

pub unsafe extern "C" fn hts_log(
    severity: htsLogLevel,
    context: *const c_char,
    format: *const c_char,

Logs an event. \param severity Severity of the event:

  • HTS_LOG_ERROR means that something went wrong so that a task could not be completed.
  • HTS_LOG_WARNING means that something unexpected happened, but that execution can continue, perhaps in a degraded mode.
  • HTS_LOG_INFO means that something normal but significant happened.
  • HTS_LOG_DEBUG means that something normal and insignificant happened.
  • HTS_LOG_TRACE means that something happened that might be of interest when troubleshooting. \param context Context where the event occurred. Typically set to "func". \param format Format string with placeholders, like printf.