Module rust_bert::resources[][src]

Resource definitions for model weights, vocabularies and configuration files

This crate relies on the concept of Resources to access the files used by the models. This includes:

  • model weights
  • configuration files
  • vocabularies
  • (optional) merges files for BPE-based tokenizers

These are expected in the pipelines configurations or are used as utilities to reference to the resource location. Two types of resources exist:

  • LocalResource: points to a local file
  • RemoteResource: points to a remote file via a URL and a local cached file

For both types of resources, the local location of teh file can be retrieved using get_local_path, allowing to reference the resource file location regardless if it is a remote or local resource. Default implementations for a number of RemoteResources are available as pre-trained models in each model module.



Global cache directory


Local resource


Remote resource



Resource Enum pointing to model, configuration or vocabulary resources



(Download) the resource and return a path to its local path