Crate russenger

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§Russenger Library

The Russenger library provides a set of modules and macros to help you build bots using the Russenger bot framework.


  • cli: This module provides command-line interface utilities.
  • core: This module contains the core functionalities of the Russenger bot framework.
  • prelude: This module re-exports important traits and structs for convenience.
  • query: This module provides utilities for handling queries.
  • response_models: This module contains models for different types of responses.


  • action: This proc macro is used to define an action.
  • russenger_app: This macro is used to create the main application.


  • create_action: This macro is deprecated. Please use the #[action] proc macro instead. It was used to create a new action that sends a greeting message when the user input is “Hello”.


Creating a new action that sends a greeting message when the user input is “Hello”: using the new #[action] proc macro:

use russenger::prelude::*;

async fn Main(res: Res, req: Req) {
    let message: String =;
    if message == "Hello" {
        res.send(TextModel::new(&req.user, "Hello, welcome to our bot!")).await;




  • The cli module contains the command line interface for the application.
  • The core module contains the core functionality of the application.
  • This allows users to include everything they need with a single use statement.
  • The query module provides utilities for handling queries. The Query struct represents a database query. It includes a DB enum that represents the database connection.
  • The response_models module contains various response models that can be sent to a user.



  • This is usually what you want. It loads the .env file located in the environment’s current directory or its parents in sequence.

Attribute Macros§

  • The #[action] proc macro is used to create a new action.
  • Marks async main function as the Actix Web system entry-point.