Crate russell_ode

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Russell - Rust Scientific Library

russell_ode: Solvers for ordinary differential equations and differential algebraic equations

Important: This crate depends on external libraries (non-Rust). Thus, please check the Installation Instructions on the GitHub Repository.


The figure above is the solution of the Arenstorf Orbit obtained with russell_ode.


This library implements (natively) numerical solvers for systems of ordinary equations (ODEs) and differential-algebraic equation systems (DAEs) of Index-1. One advantage of a native implementation is the “safety aspects” enforced by Rust. Moreover, we implement thread-safe code. For example, the performance is improved when the real-based linear and complex-based linear systems are factorized concurrently, as in our Radau5.

The principal structs are (see the figure below):

  • System defines the ODE or DAE system
  • OdeSolver implements the “time-stepping” loop and calls the actual numerical solver
  • Params holds numeric parameters needed by all methods
  • (optional) Output holds the results from accepted steps (all methods) or the dense output (DoPri5, DoPri8, and Radau5 only)
  • (optional) Stats holds statistics and benchmarking data

ODE principal structs

The System struct holds the number of equations (system dimension), the right-hand side function f(x, y), an optional function to compute the Jacobian matrix, and, also optionally, the mass matrix.

The OdeSolver approximates the solution of the ODE/DAE using either fixed or variable steps. Some methods can only be run with fixed steps (this is automatically detected). In addition to the system struct, the solver takes Params as input.

A set of default (~optimal) parameters are allocated by Params::new(). If needed, the user may tweak the parameters by accessing each parameter subgroup:

  • ParamsNewton parameters for Newton’s iterations’ for the methods that use iterations such asBwEuler and Radau5
  • ParamsStep parameters for the variable-step control
  • ParamsStiffness parameters to control and enable the stiffness detection (DoPri5 and DoPri8 only)
  • ParamsBwEuler parameters for the BwEuler solver
  • ParamsRadau5 parameters for the Radau5 solver
  • ParamsERK parameters for all explicit Runge-Kutta methods (e.g., DoPri5, DoPri8)

The ODE and DAE systems are represented as follows:

[M] ———— = {f}(x, {y})

where x is the independent scalar variable (e.g., time), {y} is the solution vector, {f} is the right-hand side vector, and [M] is the so-called “mass matrix”.

Note: The mass matrix is optional and need not be specified (unless the DAE under study requires it).

The Jacobian is defined by:

[J](x, {y}) = ————

where [J] is the Jacobian matrix.

Note: The Jacobian function is not required for explicit Runge-Kutta methods (see Method and Information).

The flag ParamsNewton::use_numerical_jacobian may be set to true to compute the Jacobian matrix numerically. This option works with or without specifying the analytical Jacobian function.

  • Method::DoPri5 for ODE systems and non-stiff problems using moderate tolerances
  • Method::DoPri8 for ODE systems and non-stiff problems using strict tolerances
  • Method::Radau5 for ODE and DAE systems, possibly stiff, with moderate to strict tolerances

Note: A Stiff problem arises due to a combination of conditions, such as the ODE system equations, the initial values, the stepsize, and the numerical method.



  1. E. Hairer, S. P. Nørsett, G. Wanner (2008) Solving Ordinary Differential Equations I. Non-stiff Problems. Second Revised Edition. Corrected 3rd printing 2008. Springer Series in Computational Mathematics, 528p
  2. E. Hairer, G. Wanner (2002) Solving Ordinary Differential Equations II. Stiff and Differential-Algebraic Problems. Second Revised Edition. Corrected 2nd printing 2002. Springer Series in Computational Mathematics, 614p


See also the examples on GitHub page

§Simple system with mass matrix

Solve with Radau5:

y0' + y1'     = -y0 + y1
y0' - y1'     =  y0 + y1
          y2' = 1/(1 + x)

y0(0) = 1,  y1(0) = 0,  y2(0) = 0


M y' = f(x, y)


    ┌          ┐       ┌           ┐
    │  1  1  0 │       │ -y0 + y1  │
M = │  1 -1  0 │   f = │  y0 + y1  │
    │  0  0  1 │       │ 1/(1 + x) │
    └          ┘       └           ┘

The Jacobian matrix is:

         ┌          ┐
    df   │ -1  1  0 │
J = —— = │  1  1  0 │
    dy   │  0  0  0 │
         └          ┘


use russell_lab::{StrError, Vector};
use russell_ode::prelude::*;
use russell_sparse::{CooMatrix, Sym};

fn main() -> Result<(), StrError> {
    // DAE system
    let ndim = 3;
    let jac_nnz = 4; // number of non-zero values in the Jacobian
    let mut system = System::new(ndim, |f: &mut Vector, x: f64, y: &Vector, _args: &mut NoArgs| {
        f[0] = -y[0] + y[1];
        f[1] = y[0] + y[1];
        f[2] = 1.0 / (1.0 + x);

    // function to compute the Jacobian matrix
    let symmetric = Sym::No;
        move |jj: &mut CooMatrix, alpha: f64, _x: f64, _y: &Vector, _args: &mut NoArgs| {
            jj.put(0, 0, alpha * (-1.0))?;
            jj.put(0, 1, alpha * (1.0))?;
            jj.put(1, 0, alpha * (1.0))?;
            jj.put(1, 1, alpha * (1.0))?;

    // mass matrix
    let mass_nnz = 5; // number of non-zero values in the mass matrix
    system.init_mass_matrix(mass_nnz, symmetric)?;
    system.mass_put(0, 0, 1.0)?;
    system.mass_put(0, 1, 1.0)?;
    system.mass_put(1, 0, 1.0)?;
    system.mass_put(1, 1, -1.0)?;
    system.mass_put(2, 2, 1.0)?;

    // solver
    let params = Params::new(Method::Radau5);
    let mut solver = OdeSolver::new(params, &system)?;

    // initial values
    let x = 0.0;
    let mut y = Vector::from(&[1.0, 0.0, 0.0]);

    // solve from x = 0 to x = 2
    let x1 = 2.0;
    let mut args = 0;
    solver.solve(&mut y, x, x1, None, &mut args)?;
    println!("y =\n{}", y);


  • Makes available common structures and functions to perform computations


  • Holds information about the numerical method to solve (approximate) ODEs
  • Implements a numerical solver for systems of ODEs
  • Holds a counter of how many output files have been written
  • Holds the data generated at an accepted step or during the dense output
  • Holds the results at accepted steps or interpolated in a “dense” sequence of steps (dense output)
  • Holds all parameters for the ODE Solver
  • Holds the parameters for the BwEuler method
  • Holds the parameters for explicit Runge-Kutta methods
  • Holds parameters for the Newton-Raphson method
  • Holds the parameters for the Radau5 method
  • Holds parameters to control the variable stepsize algorithm
  • Holds parameters for the stiffness detection algorithm
  • Implements the Finite Difference (FDM) Laplacian operator in 2D
  • Holds a collection of sample ODE problems
  • Holds statistics and benchmarking data
  • Defines a system of first order ordinary differential equations (ODE) or a differential-algebraic equations (DAE) of Index-1


  • Specifies the numerical method to solve (approximate) ODEs
  • Specifies the (boundary) side of a rectangle


  • Default number of steps to use when the automatic stepping is not available

Type Aliases§

  • Defines a function of space that returns f64 (e.g., to calculate boundary condition values)
  • Indicates that the system functions do not require extra arguments
  • Defines the error output as a static string