Module russell_lab::algo

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This module implements algorithms built from base, math, and vector-matrix routines


  • Holds the results of a root finding or minimum bracketing algorithm
  • Implements a polynomial interpolant in Lagrange Form
  • Holds additional parameters for the interpolation functions
  • Implements algorithms for bracketing a local minimum of f(x)
  • Implements algorithms for finding a local minimum of f(x)
  • Implements numerical integration using adaptive Gaussian quadrature
  • Implements algorithms for finding the roots of an equation
  • Holds generic statistics for the algorithms
  • Holds an f(x) function that is useful for testing


  • Defines the type of the interpolation grid in 1D


  • Generates f(x) functions for testing
  • Calculates the parameters of a linear model using least squares fitting
  • Computes the Jacobian matrix of a vector function using 5-point finite differences

Type Aliases§

  • Indicates that no extra arguments for f(x) are needed