Crate ruspiro_singleton[][src]

Singleton pattern implementation

Provide a cross core synchronisation safe singleton implementation pattern. The Singleton is intended to be used to declare crate level static variables that require safe access accross cores. This is helpful where the data structure used within the Singleton represents a peripheral where the crate shall only hand out a single instance to safely represent to unique existance of the peripheral.


Safe lazy initialization is ensured using atomics. On the Raspberry Pi atmomic operations require the MMU to be configured and active. Otherwise the executing CPU core will hang when trying to execute the atomic operation.


// define the static variable with an inizialization closure
static FOO:Singleton<u32> = Singleton::new(20);

// define the static variable with an inizialization closure
static DEMO:Singleton<Box<Demo>> = Singleton::lazy(&|| {

// define the type to be accessible as singleton
struct Demo {
    pub count: u32,

// implement the type that should provided as singlton
impl Demo {
    pub const fn new() -> Self {
        Demo {
            count: 0,

fn main() {
    // safely use the singleton inside the closure passed to [with_mut] to update it's contents
    DEMO.with_mut(|d| {
        d.count += 10;

    // safely use the singleton inside the closure passed to [with_ref] if read-only access is required
    DEMO.with_mut(|d| {
        println!("Value: {}", d.count);

    // you may also return a value from the singleton to work with it after the safe singleton access
    let val = DEMO.with_ref(|d| {
        if d.count != 0 {
        } else {



The Singleton wrapper stores any type