[][src]Crate ruspiro_interrupt

Interrupt handler for Raspberry Pi

This crates provides functions and macros (custom attribute) to conviniently implement interrupt handler for Raspberry Pi 3. The possible interrupts a handler can be implemented for are available as enum irqtypes::Interrupt


extern crate ruspiro_interrupt; // <- this kind of usage is VERY IMPORTANT to ensure linking works as expected!
use ruspiro_interrupt::*;
fn timer_handler() {
    // TODO: acknowledge the irq
    // implement stuff that shall be executed if the interrupt is raised...
    // be careful when this code uses spinlocks as this might lead to dead-locks if the 
    // executing code interrupted currently helds a lock the code inside this handler tries to aquire the same one
    println!("timer interrupt raised");
fn doc() {
    // as we have an interrupt handler defined we need to enable interrupt handling globally as well
    // as the specific interrupt we have a handler implemented for
    IRQ_MANAGER.take_for(|irq_mgr| {

In some cases the interrupt type/line is shared between different sources. In those cases a handler need to be implemented for the specific interrupt source. The source is given in the custom attribute like this:

#[IrqHandler(Aux, Uart1)]
fn aux_uart1_handler() {
    // implement Uart1 interrupt handler here

However, only a limited ammount of shared interrupts is available with the current version - which is only the Aux interrupt at the moment.


pub use irqtypes::*;



Interrupt Types



The interrupt manager representation



The singleton accessor to the interrupt manager



globally disable FIQ interrupts from beeing triggered. This function stores the state of the current enabling/disabling of interrupts. If disable is called multiple times after each other this will than ultimately store "disabled" as last state. In this case a previous enabled state (before the multiple calls) is not able to recover with a call to re_enable_fiq.


globally disabling interrupts (IRQ/FIQ) from beeing triggered


globally disable IRQ interrupts from beeing triggered. This function stores the state of the current enabling/disabling of interrupts. If disable is called multiple times after each other this will than ultimately store "disabled" as last state. In this case a previous enabled state (before the multiple calls) is not able to recover with a call to re_enable_irq.


globally enable FIQ interrupts to be triggered


globally enabling interrupts (IRQ/FIQ) to be triggered


globally enable IRQ interrupts to be triggered


globally re-enabe FIQ interrupts to be triggered based on the global state that was set before disabling FIQ interrupts wihin the disable_fiq function.


globally re-enabling interrupts (IRQ/FIQ) to be triggered. This is done based on the global state that was set before the interrupts were disable using the disable_interrupts function.


globally re-enabe IRQ interrupts to be triggered based on the global state that was set before disabling IRQ interrupts wihin the disable_irq function.