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Amazon Web Services Transfer Family is a fully managed service that enables the transfer of files over the File Transfer Protocol (FTP), File Transfer Protocol over SSL (FTPS), or Secure Shell (SSH) File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) directly into and out of Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3). Amazon Web Services helps you seamlessly migrate your file transfer workflows to Amazon Web Services Transfer Family by integrating with existing authentication systems, and providing DNS routing with Amazon Route 53 so nothing changes for your customers and partners, or their applications. With your data in Amazon S3, you can use it with Amazon Web Services services for processing, analytics, machine learning, and archiving. Getting started with Amazon Web Services Transfer Family is easy since there is no infrastructure to buy and set up.

If you’re using the service, you’re probably looking for TransferClient and Transfer.


Describes the properties of the access that was specified.

Describes the properties of a security policy that was specified. For more information about security policies, see Working with security policies.

Describes the properties of a file transfer protocol-enabled server that was specified.

Describes the properties of a user that was specified.

The virtual private cloud (VPC) endpoint settings that are configured for your file transfer protocol-enabled server. With a VPC endpoint, you can restrict access to your server and resources only within your VPC. To control incoming internet traffic, invoke the UpdateServer API and attach an Elastic IP address to your server's endpoint.

After May 19, 2021, you won't be able to create a server using EndpointType=VPCENDPOINT in your Amazon Web Servicesaccount if your account hasn't already done so before May 19, 2021. If you have already created servers with EndpointType=VPCENDPOINT in your Amazon Web Servicesaccount on or before May 19, 2021, you will not be affected. After this date, use EndpointType=VPC.

For more information, see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/transfer/latest/userguide/create-server-in-vpc.html#deprecate-vpc-endpoint.

Represents an object that contains entries and targets for HomeDirectoryMappings.

The following is an Entry and Target pair example for chroot.

[ { "Entry:": "/", "Target": "/bucket_name/home/mydirectory" } ]

If the target of a logical directory entry does not exist in Amazon S3 or EFS, the entry is ignored. As a workaround, you can use the Amazon S3 API or EFS API to create 0 byte objects as place holders for your directory. If using the CLI, use the s3api or efsapi call instead of s3 or efs so you can use the put-object operation. For example, you use the following: aws s3api put-object --bucket bucketname --key path/to/folder/. Make sure that the end of the key name ends in a / for it to be considered a folder.

Returns information related to the type of user authentication that is in use for a file transfer protocol-enabled server's users. A server can have only one method of authentication.

Identifies the user, the server they belong to, and the identifier of the SSH public key associated with that user. A user can have more than one key on each server that they are associated with.

Lists the properties for one or more specified associated accesses.

Returns properties of a file transfer protocol-enabled server that was specified.

Returns properties of the user that you specify.

The full POSIX identity, including user ID (Uid), group ID (Gid), and any secondary groups IDs (SecondaryGids), that controls your users' access to your Amazon EFS file systems. The POSIX permissions that are set on files and directories in your file system determine the level of access your users get when transferring files into and out of your Amazon EFS file systems.

The protocol settings that are configured for your server.

This type is only valid in the UpdateServer API.

Provides information about the public Secure Shell (SSH) key that is associated with a user account for the specific file transfer protocol-enabled server (as identified by ServerId). The information returned includes the date the key was imported, the public key contents, and the public key ID. A user can store more than one SSH public key associated with their user name on a specific server.

Creates a key-value pair for a specific resource. Tags are metadata that you can use to search for and group a resource for various purposes. You can apply tags to servers, users, and roles. A tag key can take more than one value. For example, to group servers for accounting purposes, you might create a tag called Group and assign the values Research and Accounting to that group.

A client for the AWS Transfer API.

UpdateUserResponse returns the user name and identifier for the request to update a user's properties.


Errors returned by CreateAccess

Errors returned by CreateServer

Errors returned by CreateUser

Errors returned by DeleteAccess

Errors returned by DeleteServer

Errors returned by DeleteSshPublicKey

Errors returned by DeleteUser

Errors returned by DescribeAccess

Errors returned by DescribeSecurityPolicy

Errors returned by DescribeServer

Errors returned by DescribeUser

Errors returned by ImportSshPublicKey

Errors returned by ListAccesses

Errors returned by ListSecurityPolicies

Errors returned by ListServers

Errors returned by ListTagsForResource

Errors returned by ListUsers

Errors returned by StartServer

Errors returned by StopServer

Errors returned by TagResource

Errors returned by TestIdentityProvider

Errors returned by UntagResource

Errors returned by UpdateAccess

Errors returned by UpdateServer

Errors returned by UpdateUser


Trait representing the capabilities of the AWS Transfer API. AWS Transfer clients implement this trait.