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Amazon Route 53 is a highly available and scalable Domain Name System (DNS) web service.

If you’re using the service, you’re probably looking for Route53Client and Route53.


Utility helpers for working with Route53


A complex type that contains the type of limit that you specified in the request and the current value for that limit.

A complex type that identifies the CloudWatch alarm that you want Amazon Route 53 health checkers to use to determine whether the specified health check is healthy.

Alias resource record sets only: Information about the AWS resource, such as a CloudFront distribution or an Amazon S3 bucket, that you want to route traffic to.

When creating resource record sets for a private hosted zone, note the following:

  • Creating geolocation alias resource record sets or latency alias resource record sets in a private hosted zone is unsupported.

  • For information about creating failover resource record sets in a private hosted zone, see Configuring Failover in a Private Hosted Zone.

A complex type that contains information about the request to associate a VPC with a private hosted zone.

A complex type that contains the response information for the AssociateVPCWithHostedZone request.

The information for each resource record set that you want to change.

The information for a change request.

A complex type that describes change information about changes made to your hosted zone.

A complex type that contains change information for the resource record set.

A complex type containing the response for the request.

A complex type that contains information about the tags that you want to add, edit, or delete.

Empty response for the request.

A complex type that contains information about the CloudWatch alarm that Amazon Route 53 is monitoring for this health check.

A complex type that contains the health check request information.

A complex type containing the response information for the new health check.

A complex type that contains information about the request to create a public or private hosted zone.

A complex type containing the response information for the hosted zone.

A complex type that contains information about the resource record sets that you want to create based on a specified traffic policy.

A complex type that contains the response information for the CreateTrafficPolicyInstance request.

A complex type that contains information about the traffic policy that you want to create.

A complex type that contains the response information for the CreateTrafficPolicy request.

A complex type that contains information about the traffic policy that you want to create a new version for.

A complex type that contains the response information for the CreateTrafficPolicyVersion request.

A complex type that contains information about the request to authorize associating a VPC with your private hosted zone. Authorization is only required when a private hosted zone and a VPC were created by using different accounts.

A complex type that contains the response information from a CreateVPCAssociationAuthorization request.

A string repesenting the status of DNSSEC signing.

A complex type that lists the name servers in a delegation set, as well as the CallerReference and the ID for the delegation set.

This action deletes a health check.

An empty element.

A request to delete a hosted zone.

A complex type that contains the response to a DeleteHostedZone request.

A request to delete a reusable delegation set.

A request to delete a specified traffic policy instance.

A request to delete a specified traffic policy version.

A complex type that contains information about the request to remove authorization to associate a VPC that was created by one AWS account with a hosted zone that was created with a different AWS account.

Empty response for the request.

For the metric that the CloudWatch alarm is associated with, a complex type that contains information about one dimension.

A complex type that contains information about the VPC that you want to disassociate from a specified private hosted zone.

A complex type that contains the response information for the disassociate request.

A complex type that contains information about a geographic location.

A complex type that contains the codes and full continent, country, and subdivision names for the specified geolocation code.

A complex type that contains information about the request to create a hosted zone.

A complex type that contains the requested limit.

The input for a GetChange request.

A complex type that contains the ChangeInfo element.

A complex type that contains the CheckerIpRanges element.

A request for information about whether a specified geographic location is supported for Amazon Route 53 geolocation resource record sets.

A complex type that contains the response information for the specified geolocation code.

A request for the number of health checks that are associated with the current AWS account.

A complex type that contains the response to a GetHealthCheckCount request.

A request for the reason that a health check failed most recently.

A complex type that contains the response to a GetHealthCheckLastFailureReason request.

A request to get information about a specified health check.

A complex type that contains the response to a GetHealthCheck request.

A request to get the status for a health check.

A complex type that contains the response to a GetHealthCheck request.

A request to retrieve a count of all the hosted zones that are associated with the current AWS account.

A complex type that contains the response to a GetHostedZoneCount request.

A complex type that contains information about the request to create a hosted zone.

A complex type that contains the requested limit.

A request to get information about a specified hosted zone.

A complex type that contain the response to a GetHostedZone request.

A complex type that contains information about the request to create a hosted zone.

A complex type that contains the requested limit.

A request to get information about a specified reusable delegation set.

A complex type that contains the response to the GetReusableDelegationSet request.

Request to get the number of traffic policy instances that are associated with the current AWS account.

A complex type that contains information about the resource record sets that Amazon Route 53 created based on a specified traffic policy.

Gets information about a specified traffic policy instance.

A complex type that contains information about the resource record sets that Amazon Route 53 created based on a specified traffic policy.

Gets information about a specific traffic policy version.

A complex type that contains the response information for the request.

A complex type that contains information about one health check that is associated with the current AWS account.

A complex type that contains information about the health check.

A complex type that contains the last failure reason as reported by one Amazon Route 53 health checker.

A complex type that contains general information about the hosted zone.

A complex type that contains an optional comment about your hosted zone. If you don't want to specify a comment, omit both the HostedZoneConfig and Comment elements.

A complex type that contains the type of limit that you specified in the request and the current value for that limit.

A complex type that identifies a hosted zone that a specified Amazon VPC is associated with and the owner of the hosted zone. If there is a value for OwningAccount, there is no value for OwningService, and vice versa.

In the response to a ListHostedZonesByVPC request, the HostedZoneSummaries element contains one HostedZoneSummary element for each hosted zone that the specified Amazon VPC is associated with. Each HostedZoneSummary element contains the hosted zone name and ID, and information about who owns the hosted zone.

A key-signing key (KSK) is a complex type that represents a public/private key pair. The private key is used to generate a digital signature for the zone signing key (ZSK). The public key is stored in the DNS and is used to authenticate the ZSK. A KSK is always associated with a hosted zone; it cannot exist by itself.

If a health check or hosted zone was created by another service, LinkedService is a complex type that describes the service that created the resource. When a resource is created by another service, you can't edit or delete it using Amazon Route 53.

A request to get a list of geographic locations that Amazon Route 53 supports for geolocation resource record sets.

A complex type containing the response information for the request.

A request to retrieve a list of the health checks that are associated with the current AWS account.

A complex type that contains the response to a ListHealthChecks request.

Retrieves a list of the public and private hosted zones that are associated with the current AWS account in ASCII order by domain name.

A complex type that contains the response information for the request.

Lists all the private hosted zones that a specified VPC is associated with, regardless of which AWS account created the hosted zones.

A request to retrieve a list of the public and private hosted zones that are associated with the current AWS account.

A request for the resource record sets that are associated with a specified hosted zone.

A complex type that contains list information for the resource record set.

A request to get a list of the reusable delegation sets that are associated with the current AWS account.

A complex type that contains information about the reusable delegation sets that are associated with the current AWS account.

A complex type containing information about a request for a list of the tags that are associated with an individual resource.

A complex type that contains information about the health checks or hosted zones for which you want to list tags.

A complex type that contains information about the health checks or hosted zones for which you want to list tags.

A complex type containing tags for the specified resources.

A complex type that contains the information about the request to list the traffic policies that are associated with the current AWS account.

A complex type that contains the response information for the request.

A request for the traffic policy instances that you created in a specified hosted zone.

A complex type that contains the response information for the request.

A complex type that contains the information about the request to list your traffic policy instances.

A complex type that contains the response information for the request.

A request to get information about the traffic policy instances that you created by using the current AWS account.

A complex type that contains the response information for the request.

A complex type that contains the information about the request to list your traffic policies.

A complex type that contains the response information for the request.

A complex type that contains information about that can be associated with your hosted zone.

A complex type that contains the response information for the request.

A complex type that contains information about a configuration for DNS query logging.

Information specific to the resource record.

If you're creating an alias resource record set, omit ResourceRecord.

Information about the resource record set to create or delete.

A complex type containing a resource and its associated tags.

A complex type that contains the type of limit that you specified in the request and the current value for that limit.

A client for the Route 53 API.

A complex type that contains the status that one Amazon Route 53 health checker reports and the time of the health check.

A complex type that contains information about a tag that you want to add or edit for the specified health check or hosted zone.

Gets the value that Amazon Route 53 returns in response to a DNS request for a specified record name and type. You can optionally specify the IP address of a DNS resolver, an EDNS0 client subnet IP address, and a subnet mask.

A complex type that contains the response to a TestDNSAnswer request.

A complex type that contains settings for a traffic policy.

A complex type that contains settings for the new traffic policy instance.

A complex type that contains information about the latest version of one traffic policy that is associated with the current AWS account.

A complex type that contains information about a request to update a health check.

A complex type that contains the response to the UpdateHealthCheck request.

A request to update the comment for a hosted zone.

A complex type that contains the response to the UpdateHostedZoneComment request.

A complex type that contains information about the traffic policy that you want to update the comment for.

A complex type that contains the response information for the traffic policy.

A complex type that contains information about the resource record sets that you want to update based on a specified traffic policy instance.

A complex type that contains information about the resource record sets that Amazon Route 53 created based on a specified traffic policy.

(Private hosted zones only) A complex type that contains information about an Amazon VPC.


Errors returned by ActivateKeySigningKey

Errors returned by AssociateVPCWithHostedZone

Errors returned by ChangeResourceRecordSets

Errors returned by ChangeTagsForResource

Errors returned by CreateHealthCheck

Errors returned by CreateHostedZone

Errors returned by CreateKeySigningKey

Errors returned by CreateQueryLoggingConfig

Errors returned by CreateReusableDelegationSet

Errors returned by CreateTrafficPolicy

Errors returned by CreateTrafficPolicyInstance

Errors returned by CreateTrafficPolicyVersion

Errors returned by CreateVPCAssociationAuthorization

Errors returned by DeactivateKeySigningKey

Errors returned by DeleteHealthCheck

Errors returned by DeleteHostedZone

Errors returned by DeleteKeySigningKey

Errors returned by DeleteQueryLoggingConfig

Errors returned by DeleteReusableDelegationSet

Errors returned by DeleteTrafficPolicy

Errors returned by DeleteTrafficPolicyInstance

Errors returned by DeleteVPCAssociationAuthorization

Errors returned by DisableHostedZoneDNSSEC

Errors returned by DisassociateVPCFromHostedZone

Errors returned by EnableHostedZoneDNSSEC

Errors returned by GetAccountLimit

Errors returned by GetChange

Errors returned by GetCheckerIpRanges

Errors returned by GetDNSSEC

Errors returned by GetGeoLocation

Errors returned by GetHealthCheckCount

Errors returned by GetHealthCheck

Errors returned by GetHealthCheckLastFailureReason

Errors returned by GetHealthCheckStatus

Errors returned by GetHostedZoneCount

Errors returned by GetHostedZone

Errors returned by GetHostedZoneLimit

Errors returned by GetQueryLoggingConfig

Errors returned by GetReusableDelegationSet

Errors returned by GetReusableDelegationSetLimit

Errors returned by GetTrafficPolicy

Errors returned by GetTrafficPolicyInstanceCount

Errors returned by GetTrafficPolicyInstance

Errors returned by ListGeoLocations

Errors returned by ListHealthChecks

Errors returned by ListHostedZonesByName

Errors returned by ListHostedZonesByVPC

Errors returned by ListHostedZones

Errors returned by ListQueryLoggingConfigs

Errors returned by ListResourceRecordSets

Errors returned by ListReusableDelegationSets

Errors returned by ListTagsForResource

Errors returned by ListTagsForResources

Errors returned by ListTrafficPolicies

Errors returned by ListTrafficPolicyInstancesByHostedZone

Errors returned by ListTrafficPolicyInstancesByPolicy

Errors returned by ListTrafficPolicyInstances

Errors returned by ListTrafficPolicyVersions

Errors returned by ListVPCAssociationAuthorizations

Errors returned by TestDNSAnswer

Errors returned by UpdateHealthCheck

Errors returned by UpdateHostedZoneComment

Errors returned by UpdateTrafficPolicyComment

Errors returned by UpdateTrafficPolicyInstance


Trait representing the capabilities of the Route 53 API. Route 53 clients implement this trait.