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Amazon Pinpoint Email Service

Welcome to the Amazon Pinpoint Email API Reference. This guide provides information about the Amazon Pinpoint Email API (version 1.0), including supported operations, data types, parameters, and schemas.

Amazon Pinpoint is an AWS service that you can use to engage with your customers across multiple messaging channels. You can use Amazon Pinpoint to send email, SMS text messages, voice messages, and push notifications. The Amazon Pinpoint Email API provides programmatic access to options that are unique to the email channel and supplement the options provided by the Amazon Pinpoint API.

If you're new to Amazon Pinpoint, you might find it helpful to also review the Amazon Pinpoint Developer Guide. The Amazon Pinpoint Developer Guide provides tutorials, code samples, and procedures that demonstrate how to use Amazon Pinpoint features programmatically and how to integrate Amazon Pinpoint functionality into mobile apps and other types of applications. The guide also provides information about key topics such as Amazon Pinpoint integration with other AWS services and the limits that apply to using the service.

The Amazon Pinpoint Email API is available in several AWS Regions and it provides an endpoint for each of these Regions. For a list of all the Regions and endpoints where the API is currently available, see AWS Service Endpoints in the Amazon Web Services General Reference. To learn more about AWS Regions, see Managing AWS Regions in the Amazon Web Services General Reference.

In each Region, AWS maintains multiple Availability Zones. These Availability Zones are physically isolated from each other, but are united by private, low-latency, high-throughput, and highly redundant network connections. These Availability Zones enable us to provide very high levels of availability and redundancy, while also minimizing latency. To learn more about the number of Availability Zones that are available in each Region, see AWS Global Infrastructure.

If you’re using the service, you’re probably looking for PinpointEmailClient and PinpointEmail.


An object that contains information about a blacklisting event that impacts one of the dedicated IP addresses that is associated with your account.

Represents the body of the email message.

An object that defines an Amazon CloudWatch destination for email events. You can use Amazon CloudWatch to monitor and gain insights on your email sending metrics.

An object that defines the dimension configuration to use when you send Amazon Pinpoint email events to Amazon CloudWatch.

An object that represents the content of the email, and optionally a character set specification.

A request to add an event destination to a configuration set.

An HTTP 200 response if the request succeeds, or an error message if the request fails.

A request to create a configuration set.

An HTTP 200 response if the request succeeds, or an error message if the request fails.

A request to create a new dedicated IP pool.

An HTTP 200 response if the request succeeds, or an error message if the request fails.

A request to perform a predictive inbox placement test. Predictive inbox placement tests can help you predict how your messages will be handled by various email providers around the world. When you perform a predictive inbox placement test, you provide a sample message that contains the content that you plan to send to your customers. Amazon Pinpoint then sends that message to special email addresses spread across several major email providers. After about 24 hours, the test is complete, and you can use the GetDeliverabilityTestReport operation to view the results of the test.

Information about the predictive inbox placement test that you created.

A request to begin the verification process for an email identity (an email address or domain).

If the email identity is a domain, this object contains tokens that you can use to create a set of CNAME records. To sucessfully verify your domain, you have to add these records to the DNS configuration for your domain.

If the email identity is an email address, this object is empty.

An object that contains information about the volume of email sent on each day of the analysis period.

Contains information about a dedicated IP address that is associated with your Amazon Pinpoint account.

A request to delete an event destination from a configuration set.

An HTTP 200 response if the request succeeds, or an error message if the request fails.

A request to delete a configuration set.

An HTTP 200 response if the request succeeds, or an error message if the request fails.

A request to delete a dedicated IP pool.

An HTTP 200 response if the request succeeds, or an error message if the request fails.

A request to delete an existing email identity. When you delete an identity, you lose the ability to use Amazon Pinpoint to send email from that identity. You can restore your ability to send email by completing the verification process for the identity again.

An HTTP 200 response if the request succeeds, or an error message if the request fails.

An object that contains metadata related to a predictive inbox placement test.

Used to associate a configuration set with a dedicated IP pool.

An object that describes the recipients for an email.

An object that contains information about the DKIM configuration for an email identity.

An object that contains the deliverability data for a specific campaign. This data is available for a campaign only if the campaign sent email by using a domain that the Deliverability dashboard is enabled for (PutDeliverabilityDashboardOption operation).

An object that contains information about the Deliverability dashboard subscription for a verified domain that you use to send email and currently has an active Deliverability dashboard subscription. If a Deliverability dashboard subscription is active for a domain, you gain access to reputation, inbox placement, and other metrics for the domain.

An object that contains inbox placement data for email sent from one of your email domains to a specific email provider.

An object that defines the entire content of the email, including the message headers and the body content. You can create a simple email message, in which you specify the subject and the text and HTML versions of the message body. You can also create raw messages, in which you specify a complete MIME-formatted message. Raw messages can include attachments and custom headers.

In Amazon Pinpoint, events include message sends, deliveries, opens, clicks, bounces, and complaints. Event destinations are places that you can send information about these events to. For example, you can send event data to Amazon SNS to receive notifications when you receive bounces or complaints, or you can use Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose to stream data to Amazon S3 for long-term storage.

An object that defines the event destination. Specifically, it defines which services receive events from emails sent using the configuration set that the event destination is associated with. Also defines the types of events that are sent to the event destination.

A request to obtain information about the email-sending capabilities of your Amazon Pinpoint account.

A list of details about the email-sending capabilities of your Amazon Pinpoint account in the current AWS Region.

A request to retrieve a list of the blacklists that your dedicated IP addresses appear on.

An object that contains information about blacklist events.

A request to obtain information about the event destinations for a configuration set.

Information about an event destination for a configuration set.

A request to obtain information about a configuration set.

Information about a configuration set.

A request to obtain more information about a dedicated IP address.

Information about a dedicated IP address.

A request to obtain more information about dedicated IP pools.

Information about the dedicated IP addresses that are associated with your Amazon Pinpoint account.

Retrieve information about the status of the Deliverability dashboard for your Amazon Pinpoint account. When the Deliverability dashboard is enabled, you gain access to reputation, deliverability, and other metrics for the domains that you use to send email using Amazon Pinpoint. You also gain the ability to perform predictive inbox placement tests.

When you use the Deliverability dashboard, you pay a monthly subscription charge, in addition to any other fees that you accrue by using Amazon Pinpoint. For more information about the features and cost of a Deliverability dashboard subscription, see Amazon Pinpoint Pricing.

An object that shows the status of the Deliverability dashboard for your Amazon Pinpoint account.

A request to retrieve the results of a predictive inbox placement test.

The results of the predictive inbox placement test.

Retrieve all the deliverability data for a specific campaign. This data is available for a campaign only if the campaign sent email by using a domain that the Deliverability dashboard is enabled for (PutDeliverabilityDashboardOption operation).

An object that contains all the deliverability data for a specific campaign. This data is available for a campaign only if the campaign sent email by using a domain that the Deliverability dashboard is enabled for (PutDeliverabilityDashboardOption operation).

A request to obtain deliverability metrics for a domain.

An object that includes statistics that are related to the domain that you specified.

A request to return details about an email identity.

Details about an email identity.

Information about an email identity.

An object that contains information about the inbox placement data settings for a verified domain that’s associated with your AWS account. This data is available only if you enabled the Deliverability dashboard for the domain (PutDeliverabilityDashboardOption operation).

An object that describes how email sent during the predictive inbox placement test was handled by a certain email provider.

An object that defines an Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose destination for email events. You can use Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose to stream data to other services, such as Amazon S3 and Amazon Redshift.

A request to obtain a list of configuration sets for your Amazon Pinpoint account in the current AWS Region.

A list of configuration sets in your Amazon Pinpoint account in the current AWS Region.

A request to obtain a list of dedicated IP pools.

A list of dedicated IP pools.

A request to list all of the predictive inbox placement tests that you've performed.

A list of the predictive inbox placement test reports that are available for your account, regardless of whether or not those tests are complete.

Retrieve deliverability data for all the campaigns that used a specific domain to send email during a specified time range. This data is available for a domain only if you enabled the Deliverability dashboard (PutDeliverabilityDashboardOption operation) for the domain.

An array of objects that provide deliverability data for all the campaigns that used a specific domain to send email during a specified time range. This data is available for a domain only if you enabled the Deliverability dashboard (PutDeliverabilityDashboardOption operation) for the domain.

A request to list all of the email identities associated with your Amazon Pinpoint account. This list includes identities that you've already verified, identities that are unverified, and identities that were verified in the past, but are no longer verified.

A list of all of the identities that you've attempted to verify for use with Amazon Pinpoint, regardless of whether or not those identities were successfully verified.

A list of attributes that are associated with a MAIL FROM domain.

Represents the email message that you're sending. The Message object consists of a subject line and a message body.

Contains the name and value of a tag that you apply to an email. You can use message tags when you publish email sending events.

An object that contains information about email that was sent from the selected domain.

An object that defines a Amazon Pinpoint destination for email events. You can use Amazon Pinpoint events to create attributes in Amazon Pinpoint projects. You can use these attributes to create segments for your campaigns.

A client for the Pinpoint Email API.

An object that contains inbox placement data for an email provider.

A request to enable or disable the automatic IP address warm-up feature.

An HTTP 200 response if the request succeeds, or an error message if the request fails.

A request to change the ability of your account to send email.

An HTTP 200 response if the request succeeds, or an error message if the request fails.

A request to associate a configuration set with a dedicated IP pool.

An HTTP 200 response if the request succeeds, or an error message if the request fails.

A request to enable or disable tracking of reputation metrics for a configuration set.

An HTTP 200 response if the request succeeds, or an error message if the request fails.

A request to enable or disable the ability of Amazon Pinpoint to send emails that use a specific configuration set.

An HTTP 200 response if the request succeeds, or an error message if the request fails.

A request to add a custom domain for tracking open and click events to a configuration set.

An HTTP 200 response if the request succeeds, or an error message if the request fails.

A request to move a dedicated IP address to a dedicated IP pool.

An HTTP 200 response if the request succeeds, or an error message if the request fails.

A request to change the warm-up attributes for a dedicated IP address. This operation is useful when you want to resume the warm-up process for an existing IP address.

An HTTP 200 response if the request succeeds, or an error message if the request fails.

Enable or disable the Deliverability dashboard for your Amazon Pinpoint account. When you enable the Deliverability dashboard, you gain access to reputation, deliverability, and other metrics for the domains that you use to send email using Amazon Pinpoint. You also gain the ability to perform predictive inbox placement tests.

When you use the Deliverability dashboard, you pay a monthly subscription charge, in addition to any other fees that you accrue by using Amazon Pinpoint. For more information about the features and cost of a Deliverability dashboard subscription, see Amazon Pinpoint Pricing.

A response that indicates whether the Deliverability dashboard is enabled for your Amazon Pinpoint account.

A request to enable or disable DKIM signing of email that you send from an email identity.

An HTTP 200 response if the request succeeds, or an error message if the request fails.

A request to set the attributes that control how bounce and complaint events are processed.

An HTTP 200 response if the request succeeds, or an error message if the request fails.

A request to configure the custom MAIL FROM domain for a verified identity.

An HTTP 200 response if the request succeeds, or an error message if the request fails.

The raw email message.

Enable or disable collection of reputation metrics for emails that you send using this configuration set in the current AWS Region.

A request to send an email message.

A unique message ID that you receive when Amazon Pinpoint accepts an email for sending.

An object that contains information about the per-day and per-second sending limits for your Amazon Pinpoint account in the current AWS Region.

Used to enable or disable email sending for messages that use this configuration set in the current AWS Region.

An object that defines an Amazon SNS destination for email events. You can use Amazon SNS to send notification when certain email events occur.

An object that defines the tags that are associated with a resource. A tag is a label that you optionally define and associate with a resource in Amazon Pinpoint. Tags can help you categorize and manage resources in different ways, such as by purpose, owner, environment, or other criteria. A resource can have as many as 50 tags.

Each tag consists of a required tag key and an associated tag value, both of which you define. A tag key is a general label that acts as a category for a more specific tag value. A tag value acts as a descriptor within a tag key. A tag key can contain as many as 128 characters. A tag value can contain as many as 256 characters. The characters can be Unicode letters, digits, white space, or one of the following symbols: _ . : / = + -. The following additional restrictions apply to tags:

  • Tag keys and values are case sensitive.

  • For each associated resource, each tag key must be unique and it can have only one value.

  • The aws: prefix is reserved for use by AWS; you can’t use it in any tag keys or values that you define. In addition, you can't edit or remove tag keys or values that use this prefix. Tags that use this prefix don’t count against the limit of 50 tags per resource.

  • You can associate tags with public or shared resources, but the tags are available only for your AWS account, not any other accounts that share the resource. In addition, the tags are available only for resources that are located in the specified AWS Region for your AWS account.

An object that defines the tracking options for a configuration set. When you use Amazon Pinpoint to send an email, it contains an invisible image that's used to track when recipients open your email. If your email contains links, those links are changed slightly in order to track when recipients click them.

These images and links include references to a domain operated by AWS. You can optionally configure Amazon Pinpoint to use a domain that you operate for these images and links.

A request to change the settings for an event destination for a configuration set.

An HTTP 200 response if the request succeeds, or an error message if the request fails.

An object that contains information about the amount of email that was delivered to recipients.


Errors returned by CreateConfigurationSet

Errors returned by CreateConfigurationSetEventDestination

Errors returned by CreateDedicatedIpPool

Errors returned by CreateDeliverabilityTestReport

Errors returned by CreateEmailIdentity

Errors returned by DeleteConfigurationSet

Errors returned by DeleteConfigurationSetEventDestination

Errors returned by DeleteDedicatedIpPool

Errors returned by DeleteEmailIdentity

Errors returned by GetAccount

Errors returned by GetBlacklistReports

Errors returned by GetConfigurationSet

Errors returned by GetConfigurationSetEventDestinations

Errors returned by GetDedicatedIp

Errors returned by GetDedicatedIps

Errors returned by GetDeliverabilityDashboardOptions

Errors returned by GetDeliverabilityTestReport

Errors returned by GetDomainDeliverabilityCampaign

Errors returned by GetDomainStatisticsReport

Errors returned by GetEmailIdentity

Errors returned by ListConfigurationSets

Errors returned by ListDedicatedIpPools

Errors returned by ListDeliverabilityTestReports

Errors returned by ListDomainDeliverabilityCampaigns

Errors returned by ListEmailIdentities

Errors returned by ListTagsForResource

Errors returned by PutAccountDedicatedIpWarmupAttributes

Errors returned by PutAccountSendingAttributes

Errors returned by PutConfigurationSetDeliveryOptions

Errors returned by PutConfigurationSetReputationOptions

Errors returned by PutConfigurationSetSendingOptions

Errors returned by PutConfigurationSetTrackingOptions

Errors returned by PutDedicatedIpInPool

Errors returned by PutDedicatedIpWarmupAttributes

Errors returned by PutDeliverabilityDashboardOption

Errors returned by PutEmailIdentityDkimAttributes

Errors returned by PutEmailIdentityFeedbackAttributes

Errors returned by PutEmailIdentityMailFromAttributes

Errors returned by SendEmail

Errors returned by TagResource

Errors returned by UntagResource

Errors returned by UpdateConfigurationSetEventDestination


Trait representing the capabilities of the Pinpoint Email API. Pinpoint Email clients implement this trait.