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If you’re using the service, you’re probably looking for KinesisVideoClient and KinesisVideo.


A structure that encapsulates a signaling channel's metadata and properties.

An optional input parameter for the ListSignalingChannels API. When this parameter is specified while invoking ListSignalingChannels, the API returns only the channels that satisfy a condition specified in ChannelNameCondition.

A client for the Kinesis Video API.

An object that describes the endpoint of the signaling channel returned by the GetSignalingChannelEndpoint API.

An object that contains the endpoint configuration for the SINGLE_MASTER channel type.

A structure that contains the configuration for the SINGLE_MASTER channel type.

An object describing a Kinesis video stream.

Specifies the condition that streams must satisfy to be returned when you list streams (see the ListStreams API). A condition has a comparison operation and a value. Currently, you can specify only the BEGINS_WITH operator, which finds streams whose names start with a given prefix.

A key and value pair that is associated with the specified signaling channel.


Errors returned by CreateSignalingChannel

Errors returned by CreateStream

Errors returned by DeleteSignalingChannel

Errors returned by DeleteStream

Errors returned by DescribeSignalingChannel

Errors returned by DescribeStream

Errors returned by GetDataEndpoint

Errors returned by GetSignalingChannelEndpoint

Errors returned by ListSignalingChannels

Errors returned by ListStreams

Errors returned by ListTagsForResource

Errors returned by ListTagsForStream

Errors returned by TagResource

Errors returned by TagStream

Errors returned by UntagResource

Errors returned by UntagStream

Errors returned by UpdateDataRetention

Errors returned by UpdateSignalingChannel

Errors returned by UpdateStream


Trait representing the capabilities of the Kinesis Video API. Kinesis Video clients implement this trait.