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AWS Identity and Access Management

AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) is a web service for securely controlling access to AWS services. With IAM, you can centrally manage users, security credentials such as access keys, and permissions that control which AWS resources users and applications can access. For more information about IAM, see AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) and the AWS Identity and Access Management User Guide.

If you’re using the service, you’re probably looking for IamClient and Iam.


An object that contains details about when a principal in the reported AWS Organizations entity last attempted to access an AWS service. A principal can be an IAM user, an IAM role, or the AWS account root user within the reported Organizations entity.

This data type is a response element in the GetOrganizationsAccessReport operation.

Contains information about an AWS access key.

This data type is used as a response element in the CreateAccessKey and ListAccessKeys operations.

The SecretAccessKey value is returned only in response to CreateAccessKey. You can get a secret access key only when you first create an access key; you cannot recover the secret access key later. If you lose a secret access key, you must create a new access key.

Contains information about the last time an AWS access key was used since IAM began tracking this information on April 22, 2015.

This data type is used as a response element in the GetAccessKeyLastUsed operation.

Contains information about an AWS access key, without its secret key.

This data type is used as a response element in the ListAccessKeys operation.

Contains information about an attached permissions boundary.

An attached permissions boundary is a managed policy that has been attached to a user or role to set the permissions boundary.

For more information about permissions boundaries, see Permissions boundaries for IAM identities in the IAM User Guide.

Contains information about an attached policy.

An attached policy is a managed policy that has been attached to a user, group, or role. This data type is used as a response element in the ListAttachedGroupPolicies, ListAttachedRolePolicies, ListAttachedUserPolicies, and GetAccountAuthorizationDetails operations.

For more information about managed policies, refer to Managed policies and inline policies in the IAM User Guide.

Contains information about a condition context key. It includes the name of the key and specifies the value (or values, if the context key supports multiple values) to use in the simulation. This information is used when evaluating the Condition elements of the input policies.

This data type is used as an input parameter to SimulateCustomPolicy and SimulatePrincipalPolicy.

Contains the response to a successful CreateAccessKey request.

Contains the response to a successful CreateGroup request.

Contains the response to a successful CreateInstanceProfile request.

Contains the response to a successful CreateLoginProfile request.

Contains the response to a successful CreateOpenIDConnectProvider request.

Contains the response to a successful CreatePolicy request.

Contains the response to a successful CreatePolicyVersion request.

Contains the response to a successful CreateRole request.

Contains the response to a successful CreateSAMLProvider request.

Contains the response to a successful CreateUser request.

Contains the response to a successful CreateVirtualMFADevice request.

The reason that the service-linked role deletion failed.

This data type is used as a response element in the GetServiceLinkedRoleDeletionStatus operation.

An object that contains details about when the IAM entities (users or roles) were last used in an attempt to access the specified AWS service.

This data type is a response element in the GetServiceLastAccessedDetailsWithEntities operation.

Contains details about the specified entity (user or role).

This data type is an element of the EntityDetails object.

Contains information about the reason that the operation failed.

This data type is used as a response element in the GetOrganizationsAccessReport, GetServiceLastAccessedDetails, and GetServiceLastAccessedDetailsWithEntities operations.

Contains the results of a simulation.

This data type is used by the return parameter of SimulateCustomPolicy and SimulatePrincipalPolicy .

Contains the response to a successful GenerateCredentialReport request.

Contains the response to a successful GetAccessKeyLastUsed request. It is also returned as a member of the AccessKeyMetaData structure returned by the ListAccessKeys action.

Contains the response to a successful GetAccountAuthorizationDetails request.

Contains the response to a successful GetAccountPasswordPolicy request.

Contains the response to a successful GetAccountSummary request.

Contains the response to a successful GetContextKeysForPrincipalPolicy or GetContextKeysForCustomPolicy request.

Contains the response to a successful GetCredentialReport request.

Contains the response to a successful GetGroupPolicy request.

Contains the response to a successful GetGroup request.

Contains the response to a successful GetInstanceProfile request.

Contains the response to a successful GetLoginProfile request.

Contains the response to a successful GetOpenIDConnectProvider request.

Contains the response to a successful GetPolicy request.

Contains the response to a successful GetPolicyVersion request.

Contains the response to a successful GetRolePolicy request.

Contains the response to a successful GetRole request.

Contains the response to a successful GetSAMLProvider request.

Contains the response to a successful GetSSHPublicKey request.

Contains the response to a successful GetServerCertificate request.

Contains the response to a successful GetUserPolicy request.

Contains the response to a successful GetUser request.

Contains information about an IAM group entity.

This data type is used as a response element in the following operations:

Contains information about an IAM group, including all of the group's policies.

This data type is used as a response element in the GetAccountAuthorizationDetails operation.

A client for the IAM API.

Contains information about an instance profile.

This data type is used as a response element in the following operations:

Contains the response to a successful ListAccessKeys request.

Contains the response to a successful ListAccountAliases request.

Contains the response to a successful ListAttachedGroupPolicies request.

Contains the response to a successful ListAttachedRolePolicies request.

Contains the response to a successful ListAttachedUserPolicies request.

Contains the response to a successful ListEntitiesForPolicy request.

Contains the response to a successful ListGroupPolicies request.

Contains the response to a successful ListGroupsForUser request.

Contains the response to a successful ListGroups request.

Contains the response to a successful ListInstanceProfilesForRole request.

Contains the response to a successful ListInstanceProfiles request.

Contains the response to a successful ListMFADevices request.

Contains the response to a successful ListOpenIDConnectProviders request.

Contains details about the permissions policies that are attached to the specified identity (user, group, or role).

This data type is used as a response element in the ListPoliciesGrantingServiceAccess operation.

Contains the response to a successful ListPolicies request.

Contains the response to a successful ListPolicyVersions request.

Contains the response to a successful ListRolePolicies request.

Contains the response to a successful ListRoles request.

Contains the response to a successful ListSAMLProviders request.

Contains the response to a successful ListSSHPublicKeys request.

Contains the response to a successful ListServerCertificates request.

Contains the response to a successful ListSigningCertificates request.

Contains the response to a successful ListUserPolicies request.

Contains the response to a successful ListUsers request.

Contains the response to a successful ListVirtualMFADevices request.

Contains the user name and password create date for a user.

This data type is used as a response element in the CreateLoginProfile and GetLoginProfile operations.

Contains information about an MFA device.

This data type is used as a response element in the ListMFADevices operation.

Contains information about a managed policy, including the policy's ARN, versions, and the number of principal entities (users, groups, and roles) that the policy is attached to.

This data type is used as a response element in the GetAccountAuthorizationDetails operation.

For more information about managed policies, see Managed policies and inline policies in the IAM User Guide.

Contains the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for an IAM OpenID Connect provider.

Contains information about the effect that Organizations has on a policy simulation.

Contains information about the account password policy.

This data type is used as a response element in the GetAccountPasswordPolicy operation.

Contains information about the effect that a permissions boundary has on a policy simulation when the boundary is applied to an IAM entity.

Contains information about a managed policy.

This data type is used as a response element in the CreatePolicy, GetPolicy, and ListPolicies operations.

For more information about managed policies, refer to Managed policies and inline policies in the IAM User Guide.

Contains information about an IAM policy, including the policy document.

This data type is used as a response element in the GetAccountAuthorizationDetails operation.

Contains details about the permissions policies that are attached to the specified identity (user, group, or role).

This data type is an element of the ListPoliciesGrantingServiceAccessEntry object.

Contains information about a group that a managed policy is attached to.

This data type is used as a response element in the ListEntitiesForPolicy operation.

For more information about managed policies, refer to Managed policies and inline policies in the IAM User Guide.

Contains information about a role that a managed policy is attached to.

This data type is used as a response element in the ListEntitiesForPolicy operation.

For more information about managed policies, refer to Managed policies and inline policies in the IAM User Guide.

Contains information about a user that a managed policy is attached to.

This data type is used as a response element in the ListEntitiesForPolicy operation.

For more information about managed policies, refer to Managed policies and inline policies in the IAM User Guide.

Contains information about a version of a managed policy.

This data type is used as a response element in the CreatePolicyVersion, GetPolicyVersion, ListPolicyVersions, and GetAccountAuthorizationDetails operations.

For more information about managed policies, refer to Managed policies and inline policies in the IAM User Guide.

Contains the row and column of a location of a Statement element in a policy document.

This data type is used as a member of the Statement type.

Contains the result of the simulation of a single API operation call on a single resource.

This data type is used by a member of the EvaluationResult data type.

Contains information about an IAM role. This structure is returned as a response element in several API operations that interact with roles.

Contains information about an IAM role, including all of the role's policies.

This data type is used as a response element in the GetAccountAuthorizationDetails operation.

Contains information about the last time that an IAM role was used. This includes the date and time and the Region in which the role was last used. Activity is only reported for the trailing 400 days. This period can be shorter if your Region began supporting these features within the last year. The role might have been used more than 400 days ago. For more information, see Regions where data is tracked in the IAM User Guide.

This data type is returned as a response element in the GetRole and GetAccountAuthorizationDetails operations.

An object that contains details about how a service-linked role is used, if that information is returned by the service.

This data type is used as a response element in the GetServiceLinkedRoleDeletionStatus operation.

Contains the list of SAML providers for this account.

Contains information about an SSH public key.

This data type is used as a response element in the GetSSHPublicKey and UploadSSHPublicKey operations.

Contains information about an SSH public key, without the key's body or fingerprint.

This data type is used as a response element in the ListSSHPublicKeys operation.

Contains information about a server certificate.

This data type is used as a response element in the GetServerCertificate operation.

Contains information about a server certificate without its certificate body, certificate chain, and private key.

This data type is used as a response element in the UploadServerCertificate and ListServerCertificates operations.

Contains details about the most recent attempt to access the service.

This data type is used as a response element in the GetServiceLastAccessedDetails operation.

Contains the details of a service-specific credential.

Contains additional details about a service-specific credential.

Contains information about an X.509 signing certificate.

This data type is used as a response element in the UploadSigningCertificate and ListSigningCertificates operations.

Contains the response to a successful SimulatePrincipalPolicy or SimulateCustomPolicy request.

Contains a reference to a Statement element in a policy document that determines the result of the simulation.

This data type is used by the MatchedStatements member of the EvaluationResult type.

A structure that represents user-provided metadata that can be associated with an IAM resource. For more information about tagging, see Tagging IAM resources in the IAM User Guide.

Contains details about the most recent attempt to access an action within the service.

This data type is used as a response element in the GetServiceLastAccessedDetails operation.

Contains the response to a successful UpdateSAMLProvider request.

Contains the response to a successful UploadSSHPublicKey request.

Contains the response to a successful UploadServerCertificate request.

Contains the response to a successful UploadSigningCertificate request.

Contains information about an IAM user entity.

This data type is used as a response element in the following operations:

Contains information about an IAM user, including all the user's policies and all the IAM groups the user is in.

This data type is used as a response element in the GetAccountAuthorizationDetails operation.

Contains information about a virtual MFA device.


Errors returned by AddClientIDToOpenIDConnectProvider

Errors returned by AddRoleToInstanceProfile

Errors returned by AddUserToGroup

Errors returned by AttachGroupPolicy

Errors returned by AttachRolePolicy

Errors returned by AttachUserPolicy

Errors returned by ChangePassword

Errors returned by CreateAccessKey

Errors returned by CreateAccountAlias

Errors returned by CreateGroup

Errors returned by CreateInstanceProfile

Errors returned by CreateLoginProfile

Errors returned by CreateOpenIDConnectProvider

Errors returned by CreatePolicy

Errors returned by CreatePolicyVersion

Errors returned by CreateRole

Errors returned by CreateSAMLProvider

Errors returned by CreateServiceLinkedRole

Errors returned by CreateServiceSpecificCredential

Errors returned by CreateUser

Errors returned by CreateVirtualMFADevice

Errors returned by DeactivateMFADevice

Errors returned by DeleteAccessKey

Errors returned by DeleteAccountAlias

Errors returned by DeleteAccountPasswordPolicy

Errors returned by DeleteGroup

Errors returned by DeleteGroupPolicy

Errors returned by DeleteInstanceProfile

Errors returned by DeleteLoginProfile

Errors returned by DeleteOpenIDConnectProvider

Errors returned by DeletePolicy

Errors returned by DeletePolicyVersion

Errors returned by DeleteRole

Errors returned by DeleteRolePermissionsBoundary

Errors returned by DeleteRolePolicy

Errors returned by DeleteSAMLProvider

Errors returned by DeleteSSHPublicKey

Errors returned by DeleteServerCertificate

Errors returned by DeleteServiceLinkedRole

Errors returned by DeleteServiceSpecificCredential

Errors returned by DeleteSigningCertificate

Errors returned by DeleteUser

Errors returned by DeleteUserPermissionsBoundary

Errors returned by DeleteUserPolicy

Errors returned by DeleteVirtualMFADevice

Errors returned by DetachGroupPolicy

Errors returned by DetachRolePolicy

Errors returned by DetachUserPolicy

Errors returned by EnableMFADevice

Errors returned by GenerateCredentialReport

Errors returned by GenerateOrganizationsAccessReport

Errors returned by GenerateServiceLastAccessedDetails

Errors returned by GetAccessKeyLastUsed

Errors returned by GetAccountAuthorizationDetails

Errors returned by GetAccountPasswordPolicy

Errors returned by GetAccountSummary

Errors returned by GetContextKeysForCustomPolicy

Errors returned by GetContextKeysForPrincipalPolicy

Errors returned by GetCredentialReport

Errors returned by GetGroup

Errors returned by GetGroupPolicy

Errors returned by GetInstanceProfile

Errors returned by GetLoginProfile

Errors returned by GetOpenIDConnectProvider

Errors returned by GetOrganizationsAccessReport

Errors returned by GetPolicy

Errors returned by GetPolicyVersion

Errors returned by GetRole

Errors returned by GetRolePolicy

Errors returned by GetSAMLProvider

Errors returned by GetSSHPublicKey

Errors returned by GetServerCertificate

Errors returned by GetServiceLastAccessedDetails

Errors returned by GetServiceLastAccessedDetailsWithEntities

Errors returned by GetServiceLinkedRoleDeletionStatus

Errors returned by GetUser

Errors returned by GetUserPolicy

Errors returned by ListAccessKeys

Errors returned by ListAccountAliases

Errors returned by ListAttachedGroupPolicies

Errors returned by ListAttachedRolePolicies

Errors returned by ListAttachedUserPolicies

Errors returned by ListEntitiesForPolicy

Errors returned by ListGroupPolicies

Errors returned by ListGroups

Errors returned by ListGroupsForUser

Errors returned by ListInstanceProfileTags

Errors returned by ListInstanceProfiles

Errors returned by ListInstanceProfilesForRole

Errors returned by ListMFADeviceTags

Errors returned by ListMFADevices

Errors returned by ListOpenIDConnectProviderTags

Errors returned by ListOpenIDConnectProviders

Errors returned by ListPolicies

Errors returned by ListPoliciesGrantingServiceAccess

Errors returned by ListPolicyTags

Errors returned by ListPolicyVersions

Errors returned by ListRolePolicies

Errors returned by ListRoleTags

Errors returned by ListRoles

Errors returned by ListSAMLProviderTags

Errors returned by ListSAMLProviders

Errors returned by ListSSHPublicKeys

Errors returned by ListServerCertificateTags

Errors returned by ListServerCertificates

Errors returned by ListServiceSpecificCredentials

Errors returned by ListSigningCertificates

Errors returned by ListUserPolicies

Errors returned by ListUserTags

Errors returned by ListUsers

Errors returned by ListVirtualMFADevices

Errors returned by PutGroupPolicy

Errors returned by PutRolePermissionsBoundary

Errors returned by PutRolePolicy

Errors returned by PutUserPermissionsBoundary

Errors returned by PutUserPolicy

Errors returned by RemoveClientIDFromOpenIDConnectProvider

Errors returned by RemoveRoleFromInstanceProfile

Errors returned by RemoveUserFromGroup

Errors returned by ResetServiceSpecificCredential

Errors returned by ResyncMFADevice

Errors returned by SetDefaultPolicyVersion

Errors returned by SetSecurityTokenServicePreferences

Errors returned by SimulateCustomPolicy

Errors returned by SimulatePrincipalPolicy

Errors returned by TagInstanceProfile

Errors returned by TagMFADevice

Errors returned by TagOpenIDConnectProvider

Errors returned by TagPolicy

Errors returned by TagRole

Errors returned by TagSAMLProvider

Errors returned by TagServerCertificate

Errors returned by TagUser

Errors returned by UntagInstanceProfile

Errors returned by UntagMFADevice

Errors returned by UntagOpenIDConnectProvider

Errors returned by UntagPolicy

Errors returned by UntagRole

Errors returned by UntagSAMLProvider

Errors returned by UntagServerCertificate

Errors returned by UntagUser

Errors returned by UpdateAccessKey

Errors returned by UpdateAccountPasswordPolicy

Errors returned by UpdateAssumeRolePolicy

Errors returned by UpdateGroup

Errors returned by UpdateLoginProfile

Errors returned by UpdateOpenIDConnectProviderThumbprint

Errors returned by UpdateRoleDescription

Errors returned by UpdateRole

Errors returned by UpdateSAMLProvider

Errors returned by UpdateSSHPublicKey

Errors returned by UpdateServerCertificate

Errors returned by UpdateServiceSpecificCredential

Errors returned by UpdateSigningCertificate

Errors returned by UpdateUser

Errors returned by UploadSSHPublicKey

Errors returned by UploadServerCertificate

Errors returned by UploadSigningCertificate


Trait representing the capabilities of the IAM API. IAM clients implement this trait.