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Amazon Elasticsearch Configuration Service

Use the Amazon Elasticsearch Configuration API to create, configure, and manage Elasticsearch domains.

For sample code that uses the Configuration API, see the Amazon Elasticsearch Service Developer Guide. The guide also contains sample code for sending signed HTTP requests to the Elasticsearch APIs.

The endpoint for configuration service requests is region-specific: es.region.amazonaws.com. For example, es.us-east-1.amazonaws.com. For a current list of supported regions and endpoints, see Regions and Endpoints.

If you’re using the service, you’re probably looking for EsClient and Es.


The result of a AcceptInboundCrossClusterSearchConnection operation. Contains details of accepted inbound connection.

The configured access rules for the domain's document and search endpoints, and the current status of those rules.

Container for the parameters to the AddTags operation. Specify the tags that you want to attach to the Elasticsearch domain.

List of limits that are specific to a given InstanceType and for each of it's InstanceRole .

Status of the advanced options for the specified Elasticsearch domain. Currently, the following advanced options are available:

  • Option to allow references to indices in an HTTP request body. Must be false when configuring access to individual sub-resources. By default, the value is true. See Configuration Advanced Options for more information.
  • Option to specify the percentage of heap space that is allocated to field data. By default, this setting is unbounded.

For more information, see Configuring Advanced Options.

Specifies the advanced security configuration: whether advanced security is enabled, whether the internal database option is enabled.

Specifies the advanced security configuration: whether advanced security is enabled, whether the internal database option is enabled, master username and password (if internal database is enabled), and master user ARN (if IAM is enabled).

Specifies the status of advanced security options for the specified Elasticsearch domain.

Container for request parameters to AssociatePackage operation.

Container for response returned by AssociatePackage operation.

Specifies Auto-Tune type and Auto-Tune action details.

Specifies details of the Auto-Tune action. See the Developer Guide for more information.

Specifies Auto-Tune maitenance schedule. See the Developer Guide for more information.

Specifies the Auto-Tune options: the Auto-Tune desired state for the domain, rollback state when disabling Auto-Tune options and list of maintenance schedules.

Specifies the Auto-Tune options: the Auto-Tune desired state for the domain and list of maintenance schedules.

Specifies the Auto-Tune options: the Auto-Tune desired state for the domain and list of maintenance schedules.

Specifies the status of Auto-Tune options for the specified Elasticsearch domain.

Provides the current status of the Auto-Tune options.

Container for the parameters to the CancelElasticsearchServiceSoftwareUpdate operation. Specifies the name of the Elasticsearch domain that you wish to cancel a service software update on.

The result of a CancelElasticsearchServiceSoftwareUpdate operation. Contains the status of the update.

Options to specify the Cognito user and identity pools for Kibana authentication. For more information, see Amazon Cognito Authentication for Kibana.

Status of the Cognito options for the specified Elasticsearch domain.

Specifies settings for cold storage.

A map from an ElasticsearchVersion to a list of compatible ElasticsearchVersion s to which the domain can be upgraded.

The result of a CreateElasticsearchDomain operation. Contains the status of the newly created Elasticsearch domain.

The result of a CreateOutboundCrossClusterSearchConnection request. Contains the details of the newly created cross-cluster search connection.

Container for request parameters to CreatePackage operation.

Container for response returned by CreatePackage operation.

Container for the parameters to the DeleteElasticsearchDomain operation. Specifies the name of the Elasticsearch domain that you want to delete.

The result of a DeleteElasticsearchDomain request. Contains the status of the pending deletion, or no status if the domain and all of its resources have been deleted.

The result of a DeleteInboundCrossClusterSearchConnection operation. Contains details of deleted inbound connection.

The result of a DeleteOutboundCrossClusterSearchConnection operation. Contains details of deleted outbound connection.

Container for request parameters to DeletePackage operation.

Container for response parameters to DeletePackage operation.

Container for the parameters to the DescribeDomainAutoTunes operation.

The result of DescribeDomainAutoTunes request. See the Developer Guide for more information.

Container for the parameters to the DescribeElasticsearchDomainConfig operation. Specifies the domain name for which you want configuration information.

The result of a DescribeElasticsearchDomainConfig request. Contains the configuration information of the requested domain.

Container for the parameters to the DescribeElasticsearchDomain operation.

The result of a DescribeElasticsearchDomain request. Contains the status of the domain specified in the request.

Container for the parameters to the DescribeElasticsearchDomains operation. By default, the API returns the status of all Elasticsearch domains.

The result of a DescribeElasticsearchDomains request. Contains the status of the specified domains or all domains owned by the account.

The result of a DescribeInboundCrossClusterSearchConnections request. Contains the list of connections matching the filter criteria.

The result of a DescribeOutboundCrossClusterSearchConnections request. Contains the list of connections matching the filter criteria.

Filter to apply in DescribePackage response.

Container for request parameters to DescribePackage operation.

Container for response returned by DescribePackages operation.

Container for parameters to DescribeReservedElasticsearchInstanceOfferings

Container for results from DescribeReservedElasticsearchInstanceOfferings

Container for parameters to DescribeReservedElasticsearchInstances

Container for results from DescribeReservedElasticsearchInstances

Container for request parameters to DissociatePackage operation.

Container for response returned by DissociatePackage operation.

Options to configure endpoint for the Elasticsearch domain.

The configured endpoint options for the domain and their current status.

Information on a package that is associated with a domain.

Specifies maintenance schedule duration: duration value and duration unit. See the Developer Guide for more information.

Options to enable, disable, and specify the properties of EBS storage volumes. For more information, see Configuring EBS-based Storage.

Status of the EBS options for the specified Elasticsearch domain.

Specifies the configuration for the domain cluster, such as the type and number of instances.

Specifies the configuration status for the specified Elasticsearch domain.

The configuration of an Elasticsearch domain.

The current status of an Elasticsearch domain.

Status of the Elasticsearch version options for the specified Elasticsearch domain.

Specifies the Encryption At Rest Options.

Status of the Encryption At Rest options for the specified Elasticsearch domain.

A client for the Amazon Elasticsearch Service API.

A filter used to limit results when describing inbound or outbound cross-cluster search connections. Multiple values can be specified per filter. A cross-cluster search connection must match at least one of the specified values for it to be returned from an operation.

Container for request parameters to GetPackageVersionHistory operation.

Container for response returned by GetPackageVersionHistory operation.

Container for request parameters to GetUpgradeHistory operation.

Container for response returned by GetUpgradeHistory operation.

Container for request parameters to GetUpgradeStatus operation.

Container for response returned by GetUpgradeStatus operation.

Specifies details of an inbound connection.

Specifies the coonection status of an inbound cross-cluster search connection.

InstanceCountLimits represents the limits on number of instances that be created in Amazon Elasticsearch for given InstanceType.

InstanceLimits represents the list of instance related attributes that are available for given InstanceType.

Limits for given InstanceType and for each of it's role.
Limits contains following StorageTypes, InstanceLimits and AdditionalLimits

The result of a ListDomainNames operation. Contains the names of all Elasticsearch domains owned by this account.

Container for request parameters to ListDomainsForPackage operation.

Container for response parameters to ListDomainsForPackage operation.

Container for the parameters to the ListElasticsearchInstanceTypes operation.

Container for the parameters returned by ListElasticsearchInstanceTypes operation.

Container for the parameters to the ListElasticsearchVersions operation.

Use MaxResults to control the maximum number of results to retrieve in a single call.

Use NextToken in response to retrieve more results. If the received response does not contain a NextToken, then there are no more results to retrieve.

Container for the parameters for response received from ListElasticsearchVersions operation.

Container for request parameters to ListPackagesForDomain operation.

Container for response parameters to ListPackagesForDomain operation.

Container for the parameters to the ListTags operation. Specify the ARN for the Elasticsearch domain to which the tags are attached that you want to view are attached.

The result of a ListTags operation. Contains tags for all requested Elasticsearch domains.

Log Publishing option that is set for given domain.
Attributes and their details:

  • CloudWatchLogsLogGroupArn: ARN of the Cloudwatch log group to which log needs to be published.
  • Enabled: Whether the log publishing for given log type is enabled or not

The configured log publishing options for the domain and their current status.

Credentials for the master user: username and password, ARN, or both.

Specifies the node-to-node encryption options.

Status of the node-to-node encryption options for the specified Elasticsearch domain.

Provides the current status of the entity.

Specifies details of an outbound connection.

Specifies the connection status of an outbound cross-cluster search connection.

Basic information about a package.

The S3 location for importing the package specified as S3BucketName and S3Key

Details of a package version.

Container for parameters to PurchaseReservedElasticsearchInstanceOffering

Represents the output of a PurchaseReservedElasticsearchInstanceOffering operation.

Contains the specific price and frequency of a recurring charges for a reserved Elasticsearch instance, or for a reserved Elasticsearch instance offering.

The result of a RejectInboundCrossClusterSearchConnection operation. Contains details of rejected inbound connection.

Container for the parameters to the RemoveTags operation. Specify the ARN for the Elasticsearch domain from which you want to remove the specified TagKey.

Details of a reserved Elasticsearch instance.

Details of a reserved Elasticsearch instance offering.

Specifies the SAML Identity Provider's information.

Specifies the SAML application configuration for the domain.

Describes the SAML application configured for the domain.

Specifies details of the scheduled Auto-Tune action. See the Developer Guide for more information.

The current options of an Elasticsearch domain service software options.

Specifies the time, in UTC format, when the service takes a daily automated snapshot of the specified Elasticsearch domain. Default value is 0 hours.

Status of a daily automated snapshot.

Container for the parameters to the StartElasticsearchServiceSoftwareUpdate operation. Specifies the name of the Elasticsearch domain that you wish to schedule a service software update on.

The result of a StartElasticsearchServiceSoftwareUpdate operation. Contains the status of the update.

StorageTypes represents the list of storage related types and their attributes that are available for given InstanceType.

Limits that are applicable for given storage type.

Specifies a key value pair for a resource tag.

Container for the parameters to the UpdateElasticsearchDomain operation. Specifies the type and number of instances in the domain cluster.

The result of an UpdateElasticsearchDomain request. Contains the status of the Elasticsearch domain being updated.

Container for request parameters to UpdatePackage operation.

Container for response returned by UpdatePackage operation.

Container for request parameters to UpgradeElasticsearchDomain operation.

Container for response returned by UpgradeElasticsearchDomain operation.

History of the last 10 Upgrades and Upgrade Eligibility Checks.

Represents a single step of the Upgrade or Upgrade Eligibility Check workflow.

Options to specify the subnets and security groups for VPC endpoint. For more information, see VPC Endpoints for Amazon Elasticsearch Service Domains.

Status of the VPC options for the specified Elasticsearch domain.

Options to specify the subnets and security groups for VPC endpoint. For more information, see VPC Endpoints for Amazon Elasticsearch Service Domains.

Specifies the zone awareness configuration for the domain cluster, such as the number of availability zones.


Errors returned by AcceptInboundCrossClusterSearchConnection

Errors returned by AddTags

Errors returned by AssociatePackage

Errors returned by CancelElasticsearchServiceSoftwareUpdate

Errors returned by CreateElasticsearchDomain

Errors returned by CreateOutboundCrossClusterSearchConnection

Errors returned by CreatePackage

Errors returned by DeleteElasticsearchDomain

Errors returned by DeleteElasticsearchServiceRole

Errors returned by DeleteInboundCrossClusterSearchConnection

Errors returned by DeleteOutboundCrossClusterSearchConnection

Errors returned by DeletePackage

Errors returned by DescribeDomainAutoTunes

Errors returned by DescribeElasticsearchDomainConfig

Errors returned by DescribeElasticsearchDomain

Errors returned by DescribeElasticsearchDomains

Errors returned by DescribeElasticsearchInstanceTypeLimits

Errors returned by DescribeInboundCrossClusterSearchConnections

Errors returned by DescribeOutboundCrossClusterSearchConnections

Errors returned by DescribePackages

Errors returned by DescribeReservedElasticsearchInstanceOfferings

Errors returned by DescribeReservedElasticsearchInstances

Errors returned by DissociatePackage

Errors returned by GetCompatibleElasticsearchVersions

Errors returned by GetPackageVersionHistory

Errors returned by GetUpgradeHistory

Errors returned by GetUpgradeStatus

Errors returned by ListDomainNames

Errors returned by ListDomainsForPackage

Errors returned by ListElasticsearchInstanceTypes

Errors returned by ListElasticsearchVersions

Errors returned by ListPackagesForDomain

Errors returned by ListTags

Errors returned by PurchaseReservedElasticsearchInstanceOffering

Errors returned by RejectInboundCrossClusterSearchConnection

Errors returned by RemoveTags

Errors returned by StartElasticsearchServiceSoftwareUpdate

Errors returned by UpdateElasticsearchDomainConfig

Errors returned by UpdatePackage

Errors returned by UpgradeElasticsearchDomain


Trait representing the capabilities of the Amazon Elasticsearch Service API. Amazon Elasticsearch Service clients implement this trait.