Crate rusoto_dynamodbstreams[][src]

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Amazon DynamoDB

Amazon DynamoDB Streams provides API actions for accessing streams and processing stream records. To learn more about application development with Streams, see Capturing Table Activity with DynamoDB Streams in the Amazon DynamoDB Developer Guide.

If you’re using the service, you’re probably looking for DynamoDbStreamsClient and DynamoDbStreams.


Represents the data for an attribute.

Each attribute value is described as a name-value pair. The name is the data type, and the value is the data itself.

For more information, see Data Types in the Amazon DynamoDB Developer Guide.

Represents the input of a DescribeStream operation.

Represents the output of a DescribeStream operation.

A client for the Amazon DynamoDB Streams API.

Represents the input of a GetRecords operation.

Represents the output of a GetRecords operation.

Represents the input of a GetShardIterator operation.

Represents the output of a GetShardIterator operation.

Contains details about the type of identity that made the request.

Represents a single element of a key schema. A key schema specifies the attributes that make up the primary key of a table, or the key attributes of an index.

A KeySchemaElement represents exactly one attribute of the primary key. For example, a simple primary key would be represented by one KeySchemaElement (for the partition key). A composite primary key would require one KeySchemaElement for the partition key, and another KeySchemaElement for the sort key.

A KeySchemaElement must be a scalar, top-level attribute (not a nested attribute). The data type must be one of String, Number, or Binary. The attribute cannot be nested within a List or a Map.

Represents the input of a ListStreams operation.

Represents the output of a ListStreams operation.

A description of a unique event within a stream.

The beginning and ending sequence numbers for the stream records contained within a shard.

A uniquely identified group of stream records within a stream.

Represents all of the data describing a particular stream.

Represents all of the data describing a particular stream.

A description of a single data modification that was performed on an item in a DynamoDB table.


Errors returned by DescribeStream

Errors returned by GetRecords

Errors returned by GetShardIterator

Errors returned by ListStreams


Trait representing the capabilities of the Amazon DynamoDB Streams API. Amazon DynamoDB Streams clients implement this trait.