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Amazon Comprehend is an AWS service for gaining insight into the content of documents. Use these actions to determine the topics contained in your documents, the topics they discuss, the predominant sentiment expressed in them, the predominant language used, and more.

If you’re using the service, you’re probably looking for ComprehendClient and Comprehend.


An augmented manifest file that provides training data for your custom model. An augmented manifest file is a labeled dataset that is produced by Amazon SageMaker Ground Truth.

The result of calling the operation. The operation returns one object for each document that is successfully processed by the operation.

The result of calling the operation. The operation returns one object for each document that is successfully processed by the operation.

The result of calling the operation. The operation returns one object for each document that is successfully processed by the operation.

The result of calling the operation. The operation returns one object for each document that is successfully processed by the operation.

The result of calling the operation. The operation returns one object that is successfully processed by the operation.

Describes an error that occurred while processing a document in a batch. The operation returns on BatchItemError object for each document that contained an error.

Describes the result metrics for the test data associated with an documentation classifier.

Provides information about a document classifier.

A client for the Amazon Comprehend API.

Specifies the class that categorizes the document being analyzed

Provides information for filtering a list of document classification jobs. For more information, see the operation. You can provide only one filter parameter in each request.

Provides information about a document classification job.

Provides information for filtering a list of document classifiers. You can only specify one filtering parameter in a request. For more information, see the operation.

The input properties for training a document classifier.

For more information on how the input file is formatted, see how-document-classification-training-data.

Provides output results configuration parameters for custom classifier jobs.

Provides information about a document classifier.

Specifies one of the label or labels that categorize the document being analyzed.

Returns the code for the dominant language in the input text and the level of confidence that Amazon Comprehend has in the accuracy of the detection.

Provides information for filtering a list of dominant language detection jobs. For more information, see the operation.

Provides information about a dominant language detection job.

The filter used to determine which endpoints are returned. You can filter jobs on their name, model, status, or the date and time that they were created. You can only set one filter at a time.

Specifies information about the specified endpoint.

Provides information for filtering a list of dominant language detection jobs. For more information, see the operation.

Provides information about an entities detection job.

Provides information about an entity.

Specifies one of the label or labels that categorize the personally identifiable information (PII) entity being analyzed.

Describes the annotations associated with a entity recognizer.

Describes the training documents submitted with an entity recognizer.

Describes the entity recognizer submitted with an entity recognizer.

Detailed information about the accuracy of an entity recognizer.

Provides information for filtering a list of entity recognizers. You can only specify one filtering parameter in a request. For more information, see the operation./>

Specifies the format and location of the input data.

Detailed information about an entity recognizer.

Individual item from the list of entity types in the metadata of an entity recognizer.

Describes information about an entity recognizer.

Detailed information about the accuracy of an entity recognizer for a specific entity type.

An entity type within a labeled training dataset that Amazon Comprehend uses to train a custom entity recognizer.

Provides information for filtering a list of event detection jobs.

Provides information about an events detection job.

The input properties for a topic detection job.

Describes a key noun phrase.

Provides information for filtering a list of dominant language detection jobs. For more information, see the operation.

Provides information about a key phrases detection job.

Provides configuration parameters for the output of topic detection jobs.

Identifies the part of speech represented by the token and gives the confidence that Amazon Comprehend has that the part of speech was correctly identified. For more information about the parts of speech that Amazon Comprehend can identify, see how-syntax.

Provides information for filtering a list of PII entity detection jobs.

Provides information about a PII entities detection job.

Provides information about a PII entity.

Provides configuration parameters for the output of PII entity detection jobs.

Provides configuration parameters for PII entity redaction.

Provides information for filtering a list of dominant language detection jobs. For more information, see the operation.

Provides information about a sentiment detection job.

Describes the level of confidence that Amazon Comprehend has in the accuracy of its detection of sentiments.

Represents a work in the input text that was recognized and assigned a part of speech. There is one syntax token record for each word in the source text.

A key-value pair that adds as a metadata to a resource used by Amazon Comprehend. For example, a tag with the key-value pair ‘Department’:’Sales’ might be added to a resource to indicate its use by a particular department.

Provides information for filtering topic detection jobs. For more information, see .

Provides information about a topic detection job.

Configuration parameters for an optional private Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) containing the resources you are using for the job. For more information, see Amazon VPC.


Errors returned by BatchDetectDominantLanguage

Errors returned by BatchDetectEntities

Errors returned by BatchDetectKeyPhrases

Errors returned by BatchDetectSentiment

Errors returned by BatchDetectSyntax

Errors returned by ClassifyDocument

Errors returned by ContainsPiiEntities

Errors returned by CreateDocumentClassifier

Errors returned by CreateEndpoint

Errors returned by CreateEntityRecognizer

Errors returned by DeleteDocumentClassifier

Errors returned by DeleteEndpoint

Errors returned by DeleteEntityRecognizer

Errors returned by DescribeDocumentClassificationJob

Errors returned by DescribeDocumentClassifier

Errors returned by DescribeDominantLanguageDetectionJob

Errors returned by DescribeEndpoint

Errors returned by DescribeEntitiesDetectionJob

Errors returned by DescribeEntityRecognizer

Errors returned by DescribeEventsDetectionJob

Errors returned by DescribeKeyPhrasesDetectionJob

Errors returned by DescribePiiEntitiesDetectionJob

Errors returned by DescribeSentimentDetectionJob

Errors returned by DescribeTopicsDetectionJob

Errors returned by DetectDominantLanguage

Errors returned by DetectEntities

Errors returned by DetectKeyPhrases

Errors returned by DetectPiiEntities

Errors returned by DetectSentiment

Errors returned by DetectSyntax

Errors returned by ListDocumentClassificationJobs

Errors returned by ListDocumentClassifiers

Errors returned by ListDominantLanguageDetectionJobs

Errors returned by ListEndpoints

Errors returned by ListEntitiesDetectionJobs

Errors returned by ListEntityRecognizers

Errors returned by ListEventsDetectionJobs

Errors returned by ListKeyPhrasesDetectionJobs

Errors returned by ListPiiEntitiesDetectionJobs

Errors returned by ListSentimentDetectionJobs

Errors returned by ListTagsForResource

Errors returned by ListTopicsDetectionJobs

Errors returned by StartDocumentClassificationJob

Errors returned by StartDominantLanguageDetectionJob

Errors returned by StartEntitiesDetectionJob

Errors returned by StartEventsDetectionJob

Errors returned by StartKeyPhrasesDetectionJob

Errors returned by StartPiiEntitiesDetectionJob

Errors returned by StartSentimentDetectionJob

Errors returned by StartTopicsDetectionJob

Errors returned by StopDominantLanguageDetectionJob

Errors returned by StopEntitiesDetectionJob

Errors returned by StopEventsDetectionJob

Errors returned by StopKeyPhrasesDetectionJob

Errors returned by StopPiiEntitiesDetectionJob

Errors returned by StopSentimentDetectionJob

Errors returned by StopTrainingDocumentClassifier

Errors returned by StopTrainingEntityRecognizer

Errors returned by TagResource

Errors returned by UntagResource

Errors returned by UpdateEndpoint


Trait representing the capabilities of the Amazon Comprehend API. Amazon Comprehend clients implement this trait.