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This section provides documentation for the Amazon CodeGuru Reviewer API operations. CodeGuru Reviewer is a service that uses program analysis and machine learning to detect potential defects that are difficult for developers to find and recommends fixes in your Java and Python code.

By proactively detecting and providing recommendations for addressing code defects and implementing best practices, CodeGuru Reviewer improves the overall quality and maintainability of your code base during the code review stage. For more information about CodeGuru Reviewer, see the Amazon CodeGuru Reviewer User Guide.

To improve the security of your CodeGuru Reviewer API calls, you can establish a private connection between your VPC and CodeGuru Reviewer by creating an interface VPC endpoint. For more information, see CodeGuru Reviewer and interface VPC endpoints (AWS PrivateLink) in the Amazon CodeGuru Reviewer User Guide.

If you’re using the service, you’re probably looking for CodeGuruReviewerClient and CodeGuruReviewer.


A type of SourceCodeType that specifies a code diff between a source and destination branch in an associated repository.

Code artifacts are source code artifacts and build artifacts used in a repository analysis or a pull request review.

  • Source code artifacts are source code files in a Git repository that are compressed into a .zip file.

  • Build artifacts are .jar or .class files that are compressed in a .zip file.

Information about an AWS CodeCommit repository. The CodeCommit repository must be in the same AWS Region and AWS account where its CodeGuru Reviewer code reviews are configured.

A client for the CodeGuruReviewer API.

Information about a code review. A code review belongs to the associated repository that contains the reviewed code.

Information about the summary of the code review.

The type of a code review. There are two code review types:

  • PullRequest - A code review that is automatically triggered by a pull request on an associated repository.

  • RepositoryAnalysis - A code review that analyzes all code under a specified branch in an associated repository. The associated repository is specified using its ARN in CreateCodeReview .

A type of SourceCodeType that specifies the commit diff for a pull request on an associated repository. The SourceCommit and DestinationCommit fields are required to do a pull request code review.

Information about an event. The event might be a push, pull request, scheduled request, or another type of event.

An object that contains:

  • The encryption option for a repository association. It is either owned by AWS Key Management Service (KMS) (AWSOWNEDCMK) or customer managed (CUSTOMERMANAGEDCMK).

  • The ID of the AWS KMS key that is associated with a respository association.

Information about the statistics from the code review.

Information about metrics summaries.

Information about the recommendation feedback.

Information about recommendation feedback summaries.

Information about recommendations.

Information about an associated AWS CodeCommit repository or an associated repository that is managed by AWS CodeStar Connections (for example, Bitbucket). This Repository object is not used if your source code is in an associated GitHub repository.

A code review type that analyzes all code under a specified branch in an associated repository. The associated repository is specified using its ARN when you call CreateCodeReview .

Information about a repository association. The DescribeRepositoryAssociation operation returns a RepositoryAssociation object.

Summary information about a repository association. The ListRepositoryAssociations operation returns a list of RepositoryAssociationSummary objects.

A SourceCodeType that specifies the tip of a branch in an associated repository.

Metadata that is associated with a code review. This applies to both pull request and repository analysis code reviews.

Information about an associated repository in an S3 bucket. The associated repository contains a source code .zip file and a build artifacts .zip file that contains .jar or .class files.

Information about a repository in an S3 bucket.

Specifies the name of an S3 bucket and a CodeArtifacts object that contains the S3 object keys for a source code .zip file and for a build artifacts .zip file that contains .jar or .class files.

Specifies the source code that is analyzed in a code review.

Information about a third-party source repository connected to CodeGuru Reviewer.


Errors returned by AssociateRepository

Errors returned by CreateCodeReview

Errors returned by DescribeCodeReview

Errors returned by DescribeRecommendationFeedback

Errors returned by DescribeRepositoryAssociation

Errors returned by DisassociateRepository

Errors returned by ListCodeReviews

Errors returned by ListRecommendationFeedback

Errors returned by ListRecommendations

Errors returned by ListRepositoryAssociations

Errors returned by ListTagsForResource

Errors returned by PutRecommendationFeedback

Errors returned by TagResource

Errors returned by UntagResource


Trait representing the capabilities of the CodeGuruReviewer API. CodeGuruReviewer clients implement this trait.