Trait ruru::VerifiedObject [] [src]

pub trait VerifiedObject: Object {
    fn is_correct_type<T: Object>(object: &T) -> bool;
    fn error_message() -> &'static str;

Interface for safe conversions between types

This trait is required by Object::convert_to() function.

All built-in types like Hash, RString and others implement it.

You should implement this trait for custom classes which you receive from Ruby if at least one of the following statements is false:

  • you own the Ruby code which passes the object to Rust;
  • you are sure that the object always has correct type;
  • your Ruby code has a good test coverage.

Various techniques can be used to check if the object has correct type:

  • check the class of the object;
  • check ancestors of the object's class;
  • check if object is one of built-in objects (when it is inherited from one of those);
  • use duck typing to check if object responds to required methods;
  • etc


extern crate ruru;

use ruru::types::ValueType;
use ruru::{Class, Object, RString, VerifiedObject, VM};

// Check the class of the object

impl VerifiedObject for Server {
    fn is_correct_type<T: Object>(object: &T) -> bool {
        object.class() == Class::from_existing("Server")

    fn error_message() -> &'static str {
        "Error converting to Server"

// Check presence of required methods (duck typing)


    fn protocol() -> RString { RString::new("HTTP") }
    fn body() -> RString { RString::new("request body") }

impl VerifiedObject for Request {
    fn is_correct_type<T: Object>(object: &T) -> bool {
        object.respond_to("protocol") && object.respond_to("body")

    fn error_message() -> &'static str {
        "Error converting to Request"

// Check if class inherits/includes some class or module

impl VerifiedObject for Response {
    fn is_correct_type<T: Object>(object: &T) -> bool {
            .any(|class| *class == Class::from_existing("BasicResponse"))

    fn error_message() -> &'static str {
        "Error converting to Response"

// Check if class was inherited from built-in classes

impl VerifiedObject for Headers {
    fn is_correct_type<T: Object>(object: &T) -> bool {
        object.value().ty() == ValueType::Hash

    fn error_message() -> &'static str {
        "Error converting to Headers"

fn main() {
    Class::new("Server", None);
    Class::new("Response", Some(&Class::new("BasicResponse", None)));
    Class::new("Headers", Some(&Class::from_existing("Hash")));
    Class::new("Request", None).define(|itself| {
        itself.def("protocol", protocol);
        itself.def("body", body);

    // Create new instances of classes and convert them to `AnyObject`s
    // (make their type unknown)
    let server = Class::from_existing("Server").new_instance(vec![]).to_any_object();
    let request = Class::from_existing("Request").new_instance(vec![]).to_any_object();
    let response = Class::from_existing("Response").new_instance(vec![]).to_any_object();
    let headers = Class::from_existing("Headers").new_instance(vec![]).to_any_object();


    // P.S.
    // The following is possible to compile, but the program will panic
    // if you perform any actions with these objects.
    // Try to avoid unsafe conversions.
    let bad_request = unsafe {<Request>() };
    let bad_server = unsafe {<Server>() };

Required Methods
