Module runtime_injector::docs::inversion_of_control[][src]

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Inversion of control

As an application grows, different components within the application need to be tested in isolation. Additionally, different deployment configurations may require different implementations of a service. What happens when you have code that relies on all these complex configurations? If you aren’t careful, different components of your application will start becoming tightly coupled, and your code will become hard to maintain.

For example, suppose you want to authenticate users by looking them up in a database, however you need to support a different database for unit testing, integration testing, and production:

use std::sync::Arc;

#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
struct User {
    scopes: Vec<String>,

// Suppose we need to abstract out our database so we can use different
// implementations for different environments. We need our database to be
// thread-safe since we're planning to multi-thread our application
trait UserDatabase: Send + Sync {
    fn get_user(&self, id: u32) -> User {

// We need to be able to unit test code that depends on a user database
struct MockUserDatabase;
impl UserDatabase for MockUserDatabase {}

// We also need a real implementation that connects to a SQL database.
// We'll need a connection string to establish the connection, so we'll
// include a field for that.
struct SqlUserDatabase(String);
impl UserDatabase for SqlUserDatabase {}

// We're using a special configuration for integration testing, so we'll
// need an implementation for that environment as well. We still need a
// connection string for the database, but now we also want to configure it
// based on a set of testing parameters. For example, should we force this
// database to fail so we can test that?
struct IntegrationUserDatabase(String, IntegrationTestParameters);
impl UserDatabase for IntegrationUserDatabase {}

// Now suppose we want to authenticate users. How might we accomplish this
// task? Well, we'd look them up in the database and check what permissions
// they have!
trait UserAuthenticator: Send + Sync {
    fn has_access(&self, user_id: u32, scope: &str) -> bool;

// We don't need a database for our mock authenticator since we aren't
// looking them up at all.
struct MockUserAuthenticator;
impl UserAuthenticator for MockUserAuthenticator {
    fn has_access(&self, _user_id: u32, _scope: &str) -> bool {

// We *do* need a database for production though, since we want to look
// them up in our database to check their permissions.
struct DatabaseUserAuthenticator<DB: UserDatabase>(Arc<DB>);
impl<DB: UserDatabase> UserAuthenticator for DatabaseUserAuthenticator<DB> {
    fn has_access(&self, user_id: u32, scope: &str) -> bool {
        let user = self.0.get_user(user_id);
        user.scopes.iter().any(|s| s.as_str() == scope)

fn main() {
    // Now we need to configure which implementations to use for our
    // environment! We can use feature flags for this, but it's ugly and
    // gets unmaintainable fast as our number of services grow.
    // Additionally, if we want to construct any services later during our
    // program's execution, we need a whole mess of cfg attributes again.
    // This turns into a mess of helper functions for constructing our
    // dependencies.

    // Let's make a helper for creating our user database. The actual
    // implementation depends on if we're in our integration testing
    // environment, so we'll return `impl UserDatabase` so we don't need to
    // worry about specifying the concrete type
    fn make_database(connection_string: String) -> impl UserDatabase {
        #[cfg(feature = "integration")]
                // How do we get the integration test parameters? For now,
                // let's globally configure it somewhere and retrieve them
                // like that. This way, we can make sure our helper is easy
                // to use.
        #[cfg(not(feature = "integration"))]

    // Now we need a way to get our integration test parameters. Since we
    // want to configure this at runtime, this can quickly become
    // complicated, possibly involving global state with static variables
    // so that we can call this whenever we need to. Since it is unsafe to
    // use mutable static variables, we'll probably want to store it as
    // `Arc<Mutex<Option<IntegrationTestParameters>>>` and have a way of
    // setting the value before our test. Let's leave that out for now...
    fn get_integration_test_parameters() -> IntegrationTestParameters {

    // Since we sometimes want to mock our database, let's make an
    // additional helper for this. Note that we can't pass a bool into our
    // make_database function to configure this because we'd end up having
    // two possible return types from our function, causing a compile error
    fn make_database_mock() -> impl UserDatabase {

    // Let's create a helper for creating our user authenticator. Since we
    // don't have a special implementation for integration testing, this
    // is much simpler than our user database helper
    fn make_authenticator(
        database: Arc<impl UserDatabase>,
    ) -> impl UserAuthenticator {

    // Our mock authenticator has a different set of dependencies! Let's
    // make another helper for creating our mock authenticator since we
    // don't need a database to construct it.
    fn make_authenticator_mock() -> impl UserAuthenticator {

That’s quite a bit of code to setup even just a simple application with multiple target environments! This doesn’t even include our business logic.

Simplifying our code with runtime_injector

As our application grows, so does the number of helper functions we need to create to handle all the different implementations of our services. This quickly becomes ugly and unmaintainable. What happens if we let something else create our services for us instead? Let’s let an Injector manage our services for us to help us simplify our code and make it more maintainable.

use runtime_injector::{
    constant, define_module, interface, Injector, IntoSingleton,
    IntoTransient, Service, Svc,

#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
struct User {
    scopes: Vec<String>,

// We still want our services to be thread-safe. `Service` is a trait that
// is automatically implemented for all `Send + Sync + 'static` types, so
// we can use it here instead. Additionally, if we decide that we no longer
// need to multi-thread this later, we can switch to the "rc" feature to
// use `Rc` for our service pointers, and this trait will automatically be
// implemented for all `'static` types instead, regardless of thread safety
trait UserDatabase: Service {
    fn get_user(&self, id: u32) -> User {

struct MockUserDatabase;
impl UserDatabase for MockUserDatabase {}

// Since we're having our connection string injected, we need to put it
// behind some type that our container can inject
struct SqlUserDatabase(Svc<String>);
impl UserDatabase for SqlUserDatabase {}

// We'll also inject our connection string and test parameters here
struct IntegrationUserDatabase(Svc<String>, Svc<IntegrationTestParameters>);
impl UserDatabase for IntegrationUserDatabase {}

trait UserAuthenticator: Service {
    fn has_access(&self, user_id: u32, scope: &str) -> bool;

struct MockUserAuthenticator;
impl UserAuthenticator for MockUserAuthenticator {
    fn has_access(&self, _user_id: u32, _scope: &str) -> bool {

// We're switching to dynamic dispatch here which is marginally slower than
// static dispatch, but we're going to lose most of our performance to I/O
// anyway so the additional v-table lookup is hardly relevant here
struct DatabaseUserAuthenticator(Svc<dyn UserDatabase>);
impl UserAuthenticator for DatabaseUserAuthenticator {
    fn has_access(&self, user_id: u32, scope: &str) -> bool {
        let user = self.0.get_user(user_id);
        user.scopes.iter().any(|s| s.as_str() == scope)

// Now we need to declare what services we can use.
interface! {
    // Since we have three implementations of a user database, we'll
    // declare `UserDatabase` as being an interface that supports those
    // three types
    dyn UserDatabase = [

    // Similarly, we'll declare `UserAuthenticator` as being an interface
    // that supports both our database-backed authenticator and mock one
    dyn UserAuthenticator = [

fn main() {
    // We can easily determine which implementations we will use in one
    // place by creating a module. If we add more implementations later, we
    // only need to change a few lines of code in one place rather than
    // adding #[cfg] attributes all over our code
    let module = define_module! {
        interfaces = {
            dyn UserAuthenticator = [DatabaseUserAuthenticator.singleton()]
        #[cfg(feature = "integration")]
        interfaces = {
            dyn UserDatabase = [IntegrationUserDatabase.singleton()]
        #[cfg(not(feature = "integration"))]
        interfaces = {
            dyn UserDatabase = [SqlUserDatabase.singleton()]

    // Now we'll start to create our container. Using a builder, we can
    // easily tell our injector what services it should be able to provide.
    // We'll start by adding our module to it
    let mut builder = Injector::builder();

    // Let's add our connection string and integration parameters now
    #[cfg(feature = "integration")]

    // Now we're ready to start creating our services! We have one single
    // way of creating each of our services, regardless of what the actual
    // implementation of that service is. Let's create our container now
    let injector =;

    // We can get any service we want with `injector.get()`. Here, we're
    // relying on our container to pass in the connection string and test
    // parameters (if we're doing an integration test) without needing any
    // complicated logic to construct those types
    let database: Svc<dyn UserDatabase> = injector.get().unwrap();

    // We've already created our database, and we don't want to create it
    // again. Since we've declared our database as a singleton service, our
    // container will reuse the same instance when we get our authenticator
    let auth: Svc<dyn UserAuthenticator> = injector.get().unwrap();

    // If we want to mock out any of our services, all we need to do is
    // create a module which provides the mock implementation instead
    let _module = define_module! {
        interfaces = {
            dyn UserAuthenticator = [DatabaseUserAuthenticator.singleton()],
            dyn UserDatabase = [MockUserDatabase::default.singleton()],

We still have all our different implementations of UserDatabase and UserAuthenticator, but now it’s super easy to get the correct implementations of each of those services when we need to! We don’t need any complicated helper functions, and we certainly don’t need to litter our business logic with #[cfg] to be able to use it with unit and integration testing. Instead, rather than relying on our helpers to create the right implementations for us, we’re just asking for an implementation and letting our container handle the rest.

Something else that you might notice is that we are able to rely on our container to create a single instance of our user database and provide that single instance whenever we need it. Not only can we rely on our injector to call our constructors for us, but we can also rely on it to manage the lifetimes of our services. This would normally be very difficult without a container to do it for you. For example, suppose you want to create a single instance of your user database throughout the entire lifetime of your application since you don’t want to open unnecessary connections to your database. Rather than relying on a static variable to hold that instance, we can instead rely on our container to create and provide that instance when we need it. If we wanted to provide a new instance each time, we could configure our container to do that instead! Similarly, if we wanted to create a single instance of our service for every HTTP request that we get, that’s possible as well by creating a custom provider. We have complete control over our services, yet we don’t have any of the extra complexities that normally comes with that level of control.