Module runtime_injector::docs::getting_started[][src]

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Getting started

Let’s start with a simple application. Let’s write an application for greeting our users with a nice message.

use std::io::stdin;

fn main() {
    println!("What is your name?");
    let mut name = String::new();
    stdin().read_line(&mut name).unwrap();
    println!("Hello, {}! I hope you're having a wonderful day.", name);

Cool! We can now ask our user for their name and greet them! But what if we want the user to be able to specify the name directly via command-line?

use std::{env::args, io::stdin};

fn get_name() -> String {
    let name_parts: Vec<_> = args().skip(1).collect();
    if name_parts.is_empty() {
        println!("What is your name?");
        let mut name = String::new();
        stdin().read_line(&mut name).unwrap();
    } else {
        name_parts.join(" ")

fn main() {
    let name = get_name();
    println!("Hello, {}! I hope you're having a wonderful day.", name);

Now our application lets users pass in their names directly, or if they don’t, we can prompt them to provide it to us! This is cool, but we can still go further. Let’s write some unit tests for our application so we can make sure our code does what it’s supposed to do, even if we change it in the future. But wait, how do we verify that the output is correct? Well, we need a way to check the output of our program somehow! Let’s write an abstraction for our output so we can check it it in our unit tests.

use std::fmt::Write;
use std::{env::args, io::stdin};

trait OutputWriter {
    fn write_output(&mut self, message: &str);

struct ConsoleWriter;
impl OutputWriter for ConsoleWriter {
    fn write_output(&mut self, message: &str) {
        println!("{}", message);

// Our mock writer so we can observe the output in tests
struct MockWriter(pub String);
impl OutputWriter for MockWriter {
    fn write_output(&mut self, message: &str) {
        writeln!(self.0, "{}", message).unwrap();

trait InputReader {
    fn read_line(&mut self) -> String;

struct ConsoleReader;
impl InputReader for ConsoleReader {
    fn read_line(&mut self) -> String {
        let mut input = String::new();
        stdin().read_line(&mut input).unwrap();

// Our mock reader for testing our application!
struct MockReader(pub Option<String>);
impl InputReader for MockReader {
    fn read_line(&mut self) -> String {

fn get_name<R: InputReader, W: OutputWriter>(
    args: &[String],
    reader: &mut R,
    writer: &mut W,
) -> String {
    let name_parts: Vec<&str> =
        args.iter().skip(1).map(|s| s.as_str()).collect();
    if name_parts.is_empty() {
        writer.write_output("What is your name?");
    } else {
        name_parts.join(" ")

fn main() {
    let args: Vec<_> = args().collect();
    let mut reader = ConsoleReader;
    let mut writer = ConsoleWriter;
    let name = get_name(&args, &mut reader, &mut writer);
        "Hello, {}! I hope you're having a wonderful day.",

// Verify our program works like we want it to
mod tests {
    use super::*;

    // Let's make sure we're getting the correct name from the user
    fn name_is_correct() {
        // Setup our mocked reader and writer
        let args = vec!["ignored".to_string()];
        let mut reader = MockReader(Some("John Smith".to_string()));
        let mut writer = MockWriter(String::new());

        // Run the function we're testing
        let name = get_name(&args, &mut reader, &mut writer);

        // Verify that we got the right name
        assert_eq!("John Smith", name);

Cool, now we have a simple unit test for our program. We can now verify that it works automatically in our build pipelines, and we can be sure that future improvements to our program won’t break it!

Speaking of future improvements, our users love the program! They keep asking for more and more features to be added to it, though. There’s a huge group of users requesting that we give them control over the output format, plus some users asking to be able to send these messages to people on the internet! Not only that, but some people want the network requests to be done via HTTPS and others want to use TCP. Woah, how in the world do we configure our application to be able to do all this, yet still have the ability to write unit tests for everything and understand what’s going on?

This is where dependency injection comes in. There is no way we could possibly manage all the different ways of writing outputs, reading inputs, configuring the greetings, and so on entirely on our own without our code becoming huge and complex. We would end up with a tangled web of dependencies between all the parts of our application, and it would quickly become unmaintainable. Instead, let’s rely on a container to manage our dependencies for us so we don’t need to think about that at all anymore.

use runtime_injector::{
    interface, Arg, Injector, InjectorBuilder, IntoSingleton, Service, Svc,
    TypedProvider, WithArg,

// Let's leave out the functions from our traits, we don't really need them
// for this example. We need our trait to be a subtrait of `Service` so
// that we can use type erasure in our container later on. Also, if our
// services need to be thread-safe and we're using the "arc" feature for
// runtime_injector, then `Service` will automatically require `Send` +
// `Sync` for us
trait OutputWriter: Service {}

// We still want to be able to write to the console, but we need our output
// formatter to make sure we correctly format our output
struct ConsoleWriter(Svc<dyn OutputFormatter>);
impl OutputWriter for ConsoleWriter {}

// We also want to be able to send greetings across HTTPS
struct HttpsWriter(Svc<dyn OutputFormatter>);
impl OutputWriter for HttpsWriter {}

// Finally, we need to support TCP as well
struct TcpWriter(Svc<dyn OutputFormatter>);
impl OutputWriter for TcpWriter {}

// Also, we need to be able to mock this for testing
struct MockWriter(pub Arg<String>, Svc<dyn OutputFormatter>);
impl OutputWriter for MockWriter {}

// We also need a way to format the messages
trait OutputFormatter: Service {}

// Our users want to be able to format them with custom formats!
struct UserFormatter(pub Arg<String>);
impl OutputFormatter for UserFormatter {}

// Not all users want to use a custom format though, so we need a default
struct DefaultFormatter;
impl OutputFormatter for DefaultFormatter {}

// Now let's bring over our reader implementations
trait InputReader: Service {}

struct ConsoleReader;
impl InputReader for ConsoleReader {}

struct MockReader(pub Arg<Option<String>>);
impl InputReader for MockReader {}

// Let's create an enum to help us configure our output writer too
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Debug, Hash)]
enum OutputType {

// Since we'll be relying on dependency injection, we need to provide our
// container a little more information by declaring our interfaces. First,
// we have three implementations of `OutputWriter`
interface! {
    dyn OutputWriter = [

// We also have two implementations of `OutputFormatter`
interface! {
    dyn OutputFormatter = [

// Finally, we have two implementations of `InputReader` as well
interface! {
    dyn InputReader = [

// We'll make a function to help us configure everything based on the
// configuration settings our user gave us
fn configure_services(
    user_format: Option<String>,
    output_type: OutputType,
) -> InjectorBuilder {
    // Now how do we manage all these possible implementations? Let's rely
    // on a container to manage them for us!
    let mut builder = Injector::builder();

    // Let's configure everything without worrying about the testing
    // environment. We want to configure our code to use the console reader
    // for reading input since we don't support any other input readers
            .with_interface::<dyn InputReader>(),

    // We want to determine the formatter based on whether the user
    // provided a format to us
    if let Some(user_format) = user_format {
        // Let's register the user formatter as our output formatter since
        // the user gave us a custom format to use
                .with_interface::<dyn OutputFormatter>(),

        // We want to also pass the user's custom format to our service
        builder.with_arg::<UserFormatter, _>(user_format);
    } else {
        // The user didn't give us a custom format, so we'll use the
        // default output formatter instead
                .with_interface::<dyn OutputFormatter>(),

    // Finally, we need to decide how we're going to send our greetings to
    // people. We can use our helper enum for that here
    match output_type {
        OutputType::Console => {
                    .with_interface::<dyn OutputWriter>(),
        OutputType::Https => {
                    .with_interface::<dyn OutputWriter>(),
        OutputType::Tcp => {
                TcpWriter.singleton().with_interface::<dyn OutputWriter>(),

    // Let's return our injector builder now

fn main() {
    // We want the user to be able to configure the application here.
    // Normally, we'd use something like clap for this, but for the sake of
    // the example, we'll just hardcode the config
    let user_format = Some("Hello! Have a great day.".to_string());
    let output_type = OutputType::Console;

    // With this, we have enough information to configure everything
    let builder = configure_services(user_format, output_type);

    // Finally, we just need to construct our services so we can use them
    let injector =;
    let reader: Svc<dyn InputReader> = injector.get().unwrap();
    let writer: Svc<dyn OutputWriter> = injector.get().unwrap();

    // Now we can write our application logic!
    // ...

// Let's not forget about unit tests!
mod tests {
    use super::*;
    use runtime_injector::{define_module, Injector, IntoSingleton, Svc};

    fn console_output_is_formatted_before_being_written() {
        // Let's make a custom module for testing just the console writer
        let module = define_module! {
            interfaces = {
                dyn OutputFormatter = [
            services = [
                // We won't need to put this behind an interface this time

        // We'll configure our injector now using the module we created
        let mut builder = Injector::builder();

        // Now we can test our console writer
        let injector =;
        let writer: Svc<ConsoleWriter> = injector.get().unwrap();

        // ...