Macro runtime_injector::interface[][src]

macro_rules! interface {
    ($trait:tt = [$($(#[$attr:meta])* $impl:ty),* $(,)?]) => { ... };

Marks a trait as being an interface for many other types. This means that a request for the given trait can resolve to any of the types indicated by this macro invocation.

With the arc feature enabled, the trait must be a subtrait of Send and Sync. This is necessary to allow the service pointers to be downcasted. If the rc feature is enabled, this is not required.


use runtime_injector::interface;

struct Bar;
struct MockBar;

trait Foo: Send + Sync {}
impl Foo for Bar {}
impl Foo for MockBar {}

// Requests for `dyn Foo` can resolve to either `Bar` or, in a test run,
// `MockBar`. Note that attributes are allowed on each of the listed types.
    Foo = [