Crate runt

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Runt is a blazing fast, concurrent, and parallel snapshot testing framework.

Snapshot testing involves running a command and testing its output against an already known “golden” output file. A runt test suite is defined using a runt.toml file.


To install the runt binary, simply run:

cargo install runt

Testing Model

Runt’s organizes tests using test suites. At the minimum, a test suite needs to be specify the input file paths as well as a command that is run for each input file. For example, the following defines a test suite named “Cat tests” that runs the command cat {} on every file .txt file in the directory cat-tests/. The {} is replaced by the path of the input file.

name = "Cat tests"
paths = [ "cat-test/*.txt" ]
cmd = "cat {}"
expect_dir = "cat-out/"
timeout = 120

Running a Test Suite

Runt’s command line interface is used to run and interact with a Runt test suite.

For example, we can run Runt’s own test suite. From the directory containing the runt.toml file, run runt. Runt will generate a summary by running all the test suites. It will also print out the paths of the missing and the failing test suites:

? Cat tests:cat-test/a.txt
✗ Cat tests:cat-test/b.txt
✗ Timeout test:timeout-test/input.txt (timeout)
? Ls test:ls-test/input.txt
  1 passing / 2 failing / 2 missing

According to Runt, we have 2 failing and 2 missing tests.


A complete runt configuration might have hundreds of tests. Runt provides two kinds of filter operations to select a subset of the test configuration.

  • Pre-filters: The --include and --exclude flags can be used to select tests names that match (or don’t match) a particular regex. The regexes are matched against the string <suite-name>:<path>.
  • Post-filters: The --only flag can be used to print out the names of tests with a specific exit condition (failing or missing). This is particularly useful in conjuction with the --diff and --save flags.

For example, to view only the tests that failed, we can invoke:

runt -o fail

To which, runt will respond with:

✗ Cat tests:cat-test/b.txt
✗ Timeout test:timeout-test/input.txt (timeout)
  1 passing / 2 failing / 2 missing

Note that Runt is still running all the tests. It simply suppressing the output from the missing tests.

If we only want to run the tests from the test suite Cat tests, we can use the -i flag:

runt -i 'Cat tests'

To which, runt reports:

✗ Cat tests:cat-test/b.txt
? Cat tests:cat-test/a.txt
  0 passing / 1 failing / 1 missing

Note that runt reports 0 passing tests because it is not running the test suite with the previously passing tests.

Viewing diffs and Saving .expect Files

Under the hood, runt uses .expect files to test the outputs of running a command. The expect_dir option specifies the directory which contains the .expect file (defaults to the directory containing the test path). For example, we can view the .expect files for the “Cat tests” suite under cat-out.

Runt is also capable of showing diffs for failing and missing tests using the -d flag. For example, we can run:

runt -i 'Cat tests' -d

Runt generates diffs for both the missing test and the failing tests.

In order to bless the diff as correct, we can use the -s flag to save the output.

runt -i 'Cat tests' -d -s

Both the -d and -s flags work with the filtering flags.


Test suites can require a default timeout for each individual test. When left unspecified, Runt will use 20 minutes as the default.


  • Options of the command line interface.
  • Errors that can be generated during Runt’s execution.
  • An executor is responsible for executing the test configurations and generating results.
  • A picker defines a mechanism to gather tests from a test configuration.
  • Module to generate diffs when the test result and the contents of the expect file do not match.