runner-cli 0.1.6

A cli tool that let's you map commands to a shorter alias
runner-cli-0.1.6 is not a library.


πŸ€” What is this?

A cli tool that let's you map commands to a shorter alias. Run the mapped command using the <ALIAS_NAME>.

runner <ALIAS_NAME>

You can map all your commands in runner.toml file

An example runner.toml file:

alias = "ci"
program = "cargo"
args = ["install", "lsd"]

alias = "nv"
program = "node"
args = ["-v"]

alias = "cc"
program = "cargo"
args = ["check"]

An example run for [ci] alias



πŸ“¦ Installation

cargo install runner-cli

🏁 Initialize

It will initialize a empty runner.toml file in config directory

runner --init



βš™οΈ Config

Get the path to runner.toml file by running runner with config option

runner --config

πŸ—ΊοΈ Mappings

Get all the user mapped alias

runner --mapping



βž• Add

Map a new command to an alias right from the terminal

runner --add



πŸ” Find

Find a command mapped to the given alias

runner --find <ALIAS_NAME>




Check if a alias is available to use

runner --available <ALIAS_NAME>

## πŸ–₯️ Options:

-a, --add        Map a new command to a alias right from terminal
    --available  Check if a alias is available to use
-c, --config     Path of the the config file runner.toml
-f, --find       Find a command mapped to the give alias
-h, --help       Print help information
-i, --init       Initialize a empty runner.toml file
-m, --mapping    Show all the user defined mappings
-V, --version    Print version information

## πŸ“„ TOML file guide:

#### Each command starts wtih a [Command] key

alias =  "Shorter subcommand you want to use instead of the command"
program = "CLI Program Name(like: git, cat, batcat, code, neofetch, cargo, python, node, npm etc.)"
args = "Arguments you want to pass to the cli program"


Have any suggestion or feature idea/request feel free to open a issue.