Available on crate feature events only.
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Modules for events in the m.room namespace.

This module also contains types shared by events in its child namespaces.


Types for the m.room.aliases event.
Types for the m.room.avatar event.
Types for the m.room.create event.
Types for the m.room.encrypted event.
Types for the m.room.encryption event.
Types for the m.room.guest_access event.
Types for the m.room.join_rules event.
Types for the m.room.member event.
Types for the m.room.message event.
Types for the m.room.name event.
Types for the m.room.power_levels event.
Types for the m.room.redaction event.
Types for the m.room.server_acl event.
Types for the m.room.tombstone event.
Types for the m.room.topic event.


A file sent to a room with end-to-end encryption enabled.
Initial set of fields of EncryptedFile.
Metadata about an image.
Initial set of fields of JsonWebKey.
Metadata about a thumbnail.


The source of a media file.