[][src]Macro ruma_events_macros::ruma_event

ruma_event!() { /* proc-macro */ }

Generates a Rust type for a Matrix event.


The most common form of event is a struct with all the standard fields for an event of its kind and a struct for its content field:

This example is not tested
ruma_event! {
    /// Informs the room about what room aliases it has been given.
    AliasesEvent {
        kind: StateEvent,
        event_type: RoomAliases,
        content: {
            /// A list of room aliases.
            pub aliases: Vec<ruma_identifiers::RoomAliasId>,

Occasionally an event will have non-standard fields at its top level (outside the content field). These extra fields are declared in block labeled with fields:

This example is not tested
ruma_event! {
    /// A redaction of an event.
    RedactionEvent {
        kind: RoomEvent,
        event_type: RoomRedaction,
        fields: {
            /// The ID of the event that was redacted.
            pub redacts: ruma_identifiers::EventId
        content: {
            /// The reason for the redaction, if any.
            pub reason: Option<String>,

Sometimes the type of the content should be a type alias rather than a struct or enum. This is designated with content_type_alias:

This example is not tested
ruma_event! {
    /// Informs the client about the rooms that are considered direct by a user.
    DirectEvent {
        kind: Event,
        event_type: Direct,
        content_type_alias: {
            /// The payload of a `DirectEvent`.
            /// A mapping of `UserId`'s to a collection of `RoomId`'s which are considered
            /// *direct* for that particular user.
            std::collections::HashMap<ruma_identifiers::UserId, Vec<ruma_identifiers::RoomId>>

If content and content_type_alias are both supplied, the second one listed will overwrite the first.

The event type and content type will have copies generated inside a private raw module. These "raw" versions are the same, except they implement serde::Deserialize. An implementation of FromRaw will be provided, which will allow the user to deserialize the event type as EventResult<EventType>.