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Common types for the push notifications module.

Understanding the types of this module

Push rules are grouped in RuleSets, and are grouped in five kinds (for more details about the different kind of rules, see the Ruleset documentation, or the specification). These five kinds are, by order of priority:

  • override rules
  • content rules
  • room rules
  • sender rules
  • underride rules


Like SimplePushRule, but with an additional conditions field.
Initial set of fields of ConditionalPushRule.
The flattened representation of a JSON object.
Like SimplePushRule, but with an additional pattern field.
Initial set of fields of PatterenedPushRule.
The context of the room associated to an event to be able to test all push conditions.
Information for the pusher implementation itself.
A decimal integer optionally prefixed by one of ==, <, >, >= or <=.
A push ruleset scopes a set of rules according to some criteria.
Iterator type for Ruleset
Iterator type for Ruleset
A push rule is a single rule that states under what conditions an event should be passed onto a push gateway and how the notification should be presented.
Initial set of fields of SimplePushRule.


This represents the different actions that should be taken when a rule is matched, and controls how notifications are delivered to the client.
The kinds of push rules that are available.
Reference to any kind of push rule.
One of ==, <, >, >= or <=.
A condition that must apply for an associated push rule’s action to be taken.
A special format that the homeserver should use when sending notifications to a Push Gateway. Currently, only “event_id_only” is supported as of Push Gateway API r0.1.1.
The set_tweak action.