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(De)serialization helpers for other Ruma crates.

Part of that is a fork of serde_urlencoded, with support for sequences in Deserialize / Serialize structs (e.g. Vec<Something>) that are (de)serialized as field=val1&field=val2.


pub use self::base64::Base64;
pub use self::base64::Base64DecodeError;
pub use self::can_be_empty::is_empty;
pub use self::can_be_empty::CanBeEmpty;


Transparent base64 encoding / decoding as part of (de)serialization.
Helpers for emptiness checks in #[serde(skip_serializing_if)].
De-/serialization functions for std::time::Duration objects
De-/serialization functions to and from json strings, allows the type to be used as a query string.
De-/serialization functions to and from single element sequences.
Helpers for tests
x-www-form-urlencoded meets Serde
Serde serialization and deserialization functions that map a Vec<T> to a BTreeMap<T, Empty>.


A wrapper around Box<RawValue>, to be used in place of any type in the Matrix endpoint definition to allow request and response types to contain that said type represented by the generic argument Ev.


Take a BTreeMap with values of either an integer number or a string and deserialize those to integer numbers.
Simply returns true.
Deserialize a Cow<'de, str>.
Take either an integer number or a string and deserialize to an integer number.
Serde deserialization decorator to map empty Strings to None, and forward non-empty Strings to the Deserialize implementation for T. Useful for the typical “A room with an X event with an absent, null, or empty Y field should be treated the same as a room with no such event.” formulation in the spec.
Helper function for serde_json::value::RawValue deserialization.
Check whether a value is equal to its default value.
Simply dereferences the given bool.
Creates a buffer and writes a serializable value to it.
Serde serializiation decorator to map None to an empty String, and forward Somes to the Serialize implementation for T.
Converts a byte slice to a buffer by copying.

Type Definitions

The inner type of JsonValue::Object.

Derive Macros

Derive the AsRef<str> trait for an enum.
Derive the Deserialize trait using the From<Cow<str>> implementation of the type.
Derive the fmt::Display trait using the AsRef<str> implementation of the type.
Derive the From<T: AsRef<str> + Into<Box<str>>> trait for an enum.
Generating an ‘Incoming’ version of the type this derive macro is used on.
Derive the Ord trait using the AsRef<str> implementation of the type.
Derive the PartialEq trait using the AsRef<str> implementation of the type.
Derive the PartialOrd trait using the AsRef<str> implementation of the type.
Derive the Serialize trait using the AsRef<str> implementation of the type.
Shorthand for the derives AsRefStr, FromString, DisplayAsRefStr, SerializeAsRefStr and DeserializeFromCowStr.