Crate rufft

Expand description

Rufft is a pure rust signal processing library which implements fast fourier transform algorithms. The primary aims of the library are to be compatible with most collection types, be generic over the floating point type in use and be usable in no_std environments.


Rufft provides the trait rufft::traits::Fft which is blanket implemented on types which implement the rufft::traits::Iterable trait over floating point types i.e. implement the num_traits::Float type. The Fft trait provides an fft method which returns a collection of the fft results. The compiler requires some type information to determine the output type e.g. Vec<f64> is not the same type as Vec<Complex<f64>>. The output type must also implement the Iterable trait but over Complex<F: num_traits::Float> values.

// Perform an fft on a Vec of floats
use rufft::{Complex, traits::Fft};

let arr = vec![1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0];
let _: Vec<Complex<f64>> = arr.fft();

Rufft also exposes individual FFT algorithms in the fft module. Currently at the time of writing only the basic discrete fourier transfrom, dft, the cooley-tukey fft algorithm fft::ct::fft and the chirp-z fft fft::czt::fft. The inverse transform is currently unsupported for the Chirp-Z transform. I am still learning about fast fourier transform algorithms and will add more as time goes on. Any contributions there would be appreciated.

// Computes the fft using the chirp-z transform
use rufft::{Complex, fft::czt};
let arr = vec![1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0];
let _: Vec<Complex<f64>> = czt::fft(&arr);

§Feature Flags

  • std (Enabled by default)

    Links with rust’s std crate, enables std feature in dependecies and provides a Iterable implementation for Vec. Vec technically is from the alloc crate and re-exported in std but this will do for now

  • ndarray

    Re-exports the ndarray scientific computing crate and provides an Iterable trait implementation for the ndarray::Array1 type



  • The fft module itself contains some basic functions ;ole dft, and idft functions. Other fast fourier transform algorithms are exported through crates like,
  • Signal processing functions which operate on Iterable implemenentors. Named itertools after the itertool crate


  • A complex number in Cartesian form.
