Module ructe::Using_static_files::d_Nickel [] [src]

How to serve static files with the Nickel framework.

Somewhere (maybe in main), you probably create a Nickel server. To add a static handler could look something like this:

Be careful when using this code, it's not being tested!
// Somewhere (maybe in main) you create a Nickel server
let mut server = Nickel::new();
// Among the routes, you add this:
server.get("/static/:name.:ext", static_file);
// Then you add more routes and start the server as usual

Then the actual handler needs to be implemented. Here's one implementation.

Be careful when using this code, it's not being tested!
fn static_file<'mw>(req: &mut Request,
                    mut res: Response<'mw>)
                    -> MiddlewareResult<'mw> {

    if let (Some(name), Some(ext)) =
           (req.param("name"), req.param("ext"))
        use templates::statics::StaticFile;
        if let Some(s) = StaticFile::get(&format!("{}.{}", name, ext)) {
            res.set(Expires(HttpDate(now() + Duration::days(300))));
            return res.send(s.content);
    res.error(StatusCode::NotFound, "Not found")

This implementation uses the mime02 feature of ructe. Relevant parts of Cargo.toml might look like this:

ructe = { version = "^0.3.2", features = ["mime02"] }

nickel = "~0.10"
hyper = "~0.10"
time = "*"
mime = "~0.2"

There is a full example as examples/nickel in the ructe repository.